(7) Maniacs

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I died laughing after I pushed Taylor into the pool. But he was pissed. I ran away with Taylor chasing me around the halls and corridors.

"Come back here!"
"Never!" I yelled back at Taylor laughing.
"You bitch." He started running faster so I did. He almost caught up to me when I saw Matt. I ran to him and pushed him into Taylor.

"What the hell Ryan now I'm wet!" That's when I just stopped and fell to the ground laughing.

"Oh so your wet Matt? Didn't know you like Taylor that much." Then he realized what he said and just sat there shocked. While both Taylor and I were in the ground dying from laughter.

The other boys come from around the corner and ask what was going on.

"Well when we split off Taylor picked me up and was going to throw me in the pool. We made a deal if I kissed him then he wouldn't throw me in. While he was leaning I pushed him in the pool. And ran off with him chasing me. I saw Matt and pushed him into Taylor....*laughs*... and then...*more laughs*... he screamed and I quote 'What the hell Ryan now I'm wet' and... *dies of laughter*... I said in response to that, 'oh so your wet Matt? Didn't know you liked Taylor that much.' And then yah I died."

Everyone died laughing but Matt.
"Shut up guys it's not funny!" When he said that it made us laugh even more.

"Can we go to our rooms cause this is just too much."

I heard a mixture of responses like 'yeah why not and yes etc.' While walking back I went to talk to Taylor who was still wet from the pool.
"Your gonna pay. If you can catch up."
"What do you mean?"

"Well you already owe me so your in a negative and then when I get you back that means you paid but if you do something else that means you won't be able to catch up because you already owe so you owe more."

"Your confusing the fuck out of me. Say it in English dummy terms."

"You owe big time and if you do another thing your gonna owe me more."

"Now I get it."

We get back to our hotel room. Aaron goes to Cams room. So it's just me and Taylor.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Taylor asks. I nod my head.
"On what the TV or a laptop."
"Let's watch it on my laptop since the TV doesn't have Netflix."
"Ok but are you sure this isn't a way to get me in your bed?" I say winking and laughing at the same time.
"Nah,"he smirks "but if you want sleep with me the offers here."
"Haha." I laugh and get in his bed and snuggling up to his chest.

"Let's watch a horror." He says.
"Okay." I say plainly.
"What one?"
"The cabin in the woods. I heard it's good." I say yawning. I didn't know I was this tired until now.
Taylor puts on the movie we watch it until I fall asleep on his chest. He wraps his arms around me almost as if he was protecting me from something.

I woke up with whispering voices.

"Shh your gonna wake her up." I recognize that voice to be Shawns.
I get suspicious and open both my eyes slightly but not noticeable to where I can see. I see them standing there with water in a trash can. I know exactly what they're.

I sit there as if I'm still sleep and can't hear them. I hear them count from 3. Right when they got to one I jumped of to the side of the bed missing the water.

"What the hell!" Nash screams.
"You never try to prank me you stupid fucktards! You will now have to watch your backs from now on. You have been warned."

They just shrug and walk off not knowing how bad I am. Laughing I see Taylor and Aaron on my bed. "Get off."
"Fine babe," Taylor says to me. They get off and walk to their bed. I scoff and get in my bed planning my prank of revenge. Which had to be sometime unexpected.

"Why you sulking mad that we tried to prank you?"

"Oh I'm not sulking I'm pissed. You should ask my dad how shitty I am. Especially when it's a prank."

I walk off into the bathroom and get a shower letting the heat of the water cool me down.

Bart's daughter (a magcon fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ