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Ryan's POV
*3 weeks later*
"Good morning sweetie," says Sierra.
"Hey, can I have some food... I am starving."
"Sure, what's mine is yours."

Walking over to her pantry I pick out some potato chips and open the bag. While crunching she brings up a subject. One that I wanted to avoid because I didn't know anything about it. It's hard to talk about something you have no clue about.

" I have two options for you, they are very big decisions. First you can go to the police, I will be by your side and we can see where it what your coming from. Or you can stay with me, and be my daughter."

"I...um... I don't want to see the police," for some reason something was pushing me away from that decision,"I want to be honest, I would, I do want to stay here, but it would be hard to accept me as being your daughter. Ya know?"

"That is reasonable," she sat there thinking," because your choosing me, would you like to go shopping soon?" Sierra spoke in an excited tone.
"Can I have a few hours to just get adjusted please?"


I walk up to my room, she had already bought me a few things. Meaning clothes and bathroom products including girl things....
She was like a mother caring, thoughtful, and is there for me.

*hours pass*

"Ok I'm ready to go!" I yell to her as I make my way down the steps.

"Let's go kiddo!" Making our way to the car she pulls out her keys and we get in. "Ok so another long conversation that we need to talk about.."

"Before this... incident, I was planning on moving to California. Whittier, California to be exact. I had a house and all that. I know you've been hesitant, but if your going to live with me we're going to have to move, I have already bought the house, and that's what will happen. I just hope your ok with that."
"I will if you have to, I want to live by the beach!!" I say in an exciting tone!

"Ok so check list, pants, shirts, shorts, shoes, and bathing suits/bikinis, oh and my surprise!"

"Wait what..."

"Oh you will see later!!"

"Ugh fine!"
After jamming to some music we make it to the mall. We go to many stores and have so much fun. She's amazing!
"Go to the car and wait for me I'll show you the surprise when we get home!"
"Ughhh fine."

"That's how you know you fu-"
"Don't you dare!"
"-Cked up" I say while laughing. Sierra pleadingly hit my head.
"Are you serious?"
"All the way sister!" I was having the time of my life and I'm glad I met this amazing woman.
"You ready for your surprise?"
"He'll yeah!"
"Here you go."
She handed me a box. It was a brand new IPhone.
"OMG thank you!!!! I'm so excited!"
"Your welcome, but one thing."
"No social media whatsoever."
"Umm... okay?"

Matt's POV
*4 months*
It has been almost 5 months. Magcon had been called off and everyone was looking. She is no where to be found. We are all dreaded and sad. I can only imagine how Bart is. She is the only one with him.... She's gone and there's been no hope of finding her... It's just best I forget, but I can't because she made my life extra ordinary.....

Everyone was told to go back to their homes. So we all did. And mostly the guys have been seeming normal. They bothered, but they are not like I am. I am depressed, alone, and no one cares.... All but Bart. He tells me not to worry about her... but I can't. So I'm going to. All I can think about though is how I will never be able to find her...

Although I am back home now, I can still look. So I search her social media's in case I find anything, anything to lead to this. But all I have found was just sadness and pity for her. In the back of my mind I'm terrified that she was kidnapped and taken to be a slave for the sex driven assholes. I can only hope I am wrong.

Fuck it. I can't find anything. Im a failure. I can't do this alone. I need to forget. I will always have her in the back of my head though, but I can't waste my time on a person who may be hopeless to find. So turning off the laptop, I slowly turn around, let one tear fall down my face, and walk away.

Ryan's POV
*Same 4 months later*

I stroll down the streets of California. While playing candy crush I ram into someone. They looked vaguely familiar. I didn't know where I recognize him from.

"Ryan..." he seemed shocked to see me. I didn't know who he was. So I stepped back kinda in fear.

"Um.. who are you?"
"Alex. You don't remember me!?"
"You look familiar but I don't remember... I was hurt awhile ago and lost my memory.. sorry"
"Well we met at a hotel and we flirted with each other for the whole day while I helped you dye your hair."
"Oh well um sorry I don't remember you." I say while I start to slowly walk away. I am curious to know him. I am scared to know or remember him for some reason. Plus my brain just won't let me.
"Maybe we can hangout sometime?" He asked while walking with me.
"Um yeah sure."
"Can I have your phone for your number?"
"Here I'll just give it to you and you can write it down." I say because I don't know him, and I definitely know I don't know if he'll try to steal my phone.
"Okay." I gave him my number and walked off. He was hot I have to admit that. I can't wait to see him by no surprise. So when I walk away I am smiling.

"Hey Sierra, I'm home."
"Hello sweetheart. Why are you so smiley?"
"I ran into a boy and he asked for my number!!"
"Aw that's amazing!"
"I'm going to go upstairs tell me when it's time for food."
"Don't I always?"
I walk upstairs and just shake my head while smiling.

After dinner I am in my room working on my school work because summers over. After working on my English home work I got  a shower. Now I am dancing around my room to music and being a buffoon. Then the music stops and I head my phone vibrate and my ringtone go off. It was a random number. Most likely a telemarketer, and I love screwing with their heads.
"Oh thank god it wasn't a phony." A guy said.
"Oh yeah it's Alex but the way." He explained.
"Hi haha."
"Okay so I was wondering if you maybe wanted to hangout this weekend."
"Ummm sure, when?"
"Friday evening, I was wondering if you wanted to go out to eat and then go laser tagging."
"Hell yeah that sounds awesome!!"
"I'll see you then beautiful."
I inserted him into my contacts. Then I went to sleep, but one second later I got a text from him.
Alex😊- I'll pick you up around 5:00
Beautiful'❤️- okay I'll see you then, but be prepared to get your ads kicked
Alex😊- goodnight gorgeous

Bart's daughter (a magcon fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now