12)New begining

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I woke up in a daze. I was in a room I have never recognized before. It had a small twin bed- which I was laying in- and a small desk. I got up out of where I was rested and searched around the dresser and in the drawers.

I had no idea where I was or why I was here but the room seemed like it belonged to a young girl around 12. I look around some more and out the window when I hear the door creak open.

"I see you've awoken." The woman stared. She had piercing green eyes. And short blonde hair in a bob cut. She had a kind face but wrinkle that made her look older. She had to no age over 35 or younger than 29. She was a woman with a medium height about my height but slightly taller. She was rather slim but had a motherly figure. This woman smiled contently at me.
"Who are you and where am I?" I questioned hesitantly as I look at the woman who has stolen me from my life.

"I am Sierra and you, well you were on the side of the road, ran out in front of my car, and then passed out from exhaustion." She calmly explained.

"How did I get here? Why am I here? I am supposed to be home with my maid and my father leaving me alone! How did my hair get longer? Why isn't red? Where is my mom?" I sputter out in all fret. I was scared and I wanted my mother to hold me like she always did...

"When you passed out I heaved you to my car and lates you in the back seat. I don't know the answer to any of your questions because, when I was looking for and ID of some sort I found nothing. Did you have a phone? Because if you did that is gone."
"Yes I had a phone. My name is Ryan, Ryan well um I don't remember my last name.." I honestly could not. I couldn't even remember what my fathers face had looked like... only my mothers.

"I am going to let you rest. And when you feel fine we'll go to the sheriffs office and see if anybody is looking for you. We will ask if they can some how assess they're data base and find you face and all your information with it." She was being so kind and it felt good to have been stuck with someone who actually seemed like she cared.

"Well hm.. thank you. But Can I get some food I kinda starving?"

"Well I wouldn't be surprised you were asleep for about a week." She spurred while giggling.

I followed her to her kitchen and the hours passed by. She seemed like an amazing person. And I liked getting to know my 'rescuer'.

Bart's daughter (a magcon fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora