Act 1 : Part 6

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Namjoon is a little bit like Yoongi, so Taehyung sometimes finds comfort in him. it probably counts as a fun fact that Namjoon's turn are almost always on either Friday night or Saturday morning. Fun times for a fun company, yes?

It irked him sometimes though, the fact that Namjoon comes into his room looking like he just had his soul ripped out of his body and then forcefully sewed into his skin again half of the time. In escense it's not Namjoon that irked him, it's his state. He's decided quite a long time ago that he doesn't like seeing Namjoon like that.

Such image made the man seemed like he's carrying the world's burden all by himself, like he's suffering all by himself. Although nine out of ten, the chances are, Namjoon was just overthinking himself, Taehyung still finds himself unable to feel okay with the matter.

"Hyung, i swear i could make a report that you just got mugged with only your selca from this moment as proof, and i think they'll trust me."

Namjoon laughed heartily at the sarcastic joke, the mirth in his smile being proof that he was more okay than he might seem. "by authority you couldn't possibly mean Yoongi?"

If he may get just a moment of honesty, he didn't say 'Yoongi' because of any particular reason, it just that it was the one name he dared to utter in Taehyung's presence. The last time he mentioned someone else, which was Jungkook, Taehyung ended up crying for twenty minutes straight, which also consits of the boy sobbing for a solid five minutes untill he fell asleep.

"no, i meant real cops. Which brings me to the question; can you get me to the closest police station? The only thing i'll really report is the squirell that took my candy stash last month, i swear."

"that's really smooth, Tae" Namjoon tried to hide the troubled feeling in his tone. "i almost fell for it. take my advice and work on the intonation, alright?"

Taehyung giggles when he feels the older downing himself on the empty spot on the bed next to him. "okay"

Namjoon is nice like this, if only this Namjoon was everyday Namjoon. usually when Namjoon is really tired he'd back Taehyung to a wall and starts biting him like crazy, sometimes he might even go as far as dry humped him, although the elder never really did took it too far, some of the experiences are close to traumatic.

Sure he would apologize soon after, admiting that it was all on him, that he shouldn't let off the steam on Taehyung who had done abseloutely nothing wrong. Taehyung always ended up reconciling with him –unlike some others *chough*Jungkook*chough* –because Namjoon always look so genuine whenever he said it. he's sorry, he really is, and Taehyung was too soft hearted to say no to that.

Although it would be nice if Namjoon could just stop the abuse once and for all, Taehyung knew that was not the case. Besides for the time being it was okay, so Taehyung doesn't really mind as much as he actually should.


next ; uhh... some major drama (and some sort of a brief explanation of what's actually going on)

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