Act 3 : Part 8

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Hoseok stares at the now shattered glass piece. For some reason it reminded him of Taehyung –the shattered vase, the water seeping out of it, the dying flowers. It reminded him of how Taehyung broke free from him.


Hoseok ruffles his brown locks, messing it around only to pull on them as he sighs a part of his soul out of him.

life's getting depressing lately.

One might think Hoseok as a all-day-everyday-happy man, and he was, oh, he really was. But now if they saw him, they'd take all their judgements ten miles back. Yep, they'll take it all back.

Hoseok starts to laugh at his own mind, has he really become this? has losing Taehyung truly becomes the definition of his life? has he let losing the only love he's ever had to crush him inside out?

Haha. Well, ye –

"fu –TAEHYUNG!???!!"


Namjoon was never one to wallow in self pity or anything of the sort. And even now, he'd like to think that it was still the case, sadly though, reality spoke otherwise. Almost every say after Taehyung left, Namjoon finds himself locking himself in his room, curtains all closed with only his bed lamp turned on as a source of light.

It's not just him that feels depressed, he made sure that his surroundings are too. and while he doesn't know why he does that, he can explain the things he does in the darkness that he seemed to love lately.

Before anyone makes assumptions, no. It's not self-harm, it's not drugs and it's for sure not anything suicide-ish. It's actually something much more light than you might think; he wrote. Nothing specific, just a bunch of illogical rant, there are even times when it's just 'abc's, and if Namjoon finds his head hurting or his eyes stinging due to the lack of light, he'd take it as a pleasurable pain. (well, okay, so there's a slight of self-harm in there)


Namjoon blinked several times, his vision is blurring away again, he had to make it go away or that'd mean another paper full of 'abc's. He took off his glasses and starts rubbing his eyes with his kuckles when the blur doesn't go away, and that's when –

"fu –TAEHYUNG!???!!"



next; sad asses. said asses being your bae Jimin and Yoongi

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