Chapter 3- First day

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Ok I have a schedule worked out for this story. I'll update on Monday and/or Thursdays. Yay!


You shifted in your sleep at the sudden noise, but didn't wake up.


Another sound, but louder this time, reached your ears, but you dismissed it as nothing.


This one was the loudest sound yet, making you jolt up. You looked at the door, where the sound seemed to be coming from. Through the small window in the door, you could see Papyrus banging pots together and walking back and forth through the halls of the dungeon.

"WAKE UP YOU SCUMBAGS!!!" Papyrus yelled, banging the pots together. He kept walking through the dungeon, and you could hear others stirring out of bed.

You sighed, and decided to get up, but then realized Temmie was still asleep on your stomach. You tried to wiggle out of your bed without disturbing him, but another loud bang of pots and he woke up.

"(Y/N)....." He mumbled....

"Shhh....." You say to him, putting him on your pillow and getting up. "Stay here." You ordered. "I'll be back later." You say, putting the covers over him and giving him a breathing hole facing away from the door. "I hope..." You mumble as go over and stand in front of the door.

You heard clicks of locks, openings of doors, and sounds that sounded like people being shoved. Finally, you hear a click and your door opened to reveal Papyrus.

"Go." He said, shoving you roughly and slamming the door behind you.

You follow the other slaves upstairs and into this room covered in dirt where there were benches after benches in a ginormous semi circle facing a small, flat pedestal which seemed to be the only thing clean in this room.

You see the other slaves sit on the benches on by one, so you do the same, and end up and the very edge of the semi circle. Papyrus left and returned with leftover, misshapen Tacos and the master.

Papyrus lowered the shorter skeleton onto the pedestal and started passing out these old weird looking tacos. You noticed the other slaves eating them hungrily.

Papyrus eventually got to you and gave you the last Taco. You examined it. 'It looks even more disgusting up close.' You thought. 'Oh well. Might as well eat.' You take a bite out of it. It didn't taste good. But you were really hungry, so you ate it all.

The small skeleton on the pedestal cleared his throat. "Good morning slaves." He said. He started pointing to groups of people. "You, you, and you. Your job today is to scrub the floors on the main room. You and you, polish all my pairs of boots! You and..." He went on and on about different jobs. You weren't really paying attention until; "And you!" The small skeleton said, pointing at you, "Will be my personal slave. DISMISSED!!" He yelled, and all the other slaves went off to work on their jobs. You could see sad expressions in every one of their faces as they trudged out. You awkwardly followed them, until you were stopped by the master's voice. "I said you are my personal slave! You stay with me!!!" You turned around the face the skeleton who screamed at you. You approached him as he got onto Papyrus' back again. "Follow us." He ordered as Papyrus set off, going through a back door. You quickly followed unsure on what else to do.


You eventually come to a halt in front of a very fancy looking door behind the two skeletons. They opened the door and you observed to be what looked like a bedroom. There was a huge black and red bed by the back wall, with mirrors and tons of rich, meaning less stuff lying around.

The taller skeleton placed the smaller one on the bed. "Papyrus. Go check on the other slaves. See who gets the worst punishment tonight." The small skeleton said calmly. "Yes M'Lord." The taller skeleton said and left, closing the doors of the bedroom behind him, leaving you and that wretched Master.

"You. Fetch me a Taco." The small skeleton said, pointing to a tray of Tacos on the dresser.

Anger started bubbling up inside you, thinking of everything that's happened so far. "I have a name you know!" You snapped back.

The skeleton looked surprised. "A slave? Talking back to their master? Well I never!" He said, taken aback. He sighed. "I guess it doesn't hurt to know your name then, brat."

You wanted to snap back again, to tell him that he was the real brat, but you held yourself back, thinking of your mother. She taught you to always be kind. So you simply replied with, "(Y/N). My name is

"(Y/N). Hmm...." He rolled your name off his tongue. "FETCH ME A TACO!!!" He yelled at you. "You got up and grabbed a Taco and brought it back to him. It was filled with..... Mustard?

"Here, M'Lord?" You said unsurely, giving him the Taco.

He took it out of your hands and snarled. "Don't be like that pervy brother of mine. Call me Master Sans. EVERY REASONABLE PEASANT CALLS ME THAT!!!" He boomed. Then, he started eating his Taco. The condiment which you assumed to be mustard was being gulped down like it was nothing. There was a lot of mustard on that Taco.

'Master Sans' finished his taco. He looked at you. "GET ME ANOTHER!!!" He ordered harshly. You got up and sighed.

This was gonna be a loooooong day.

(Word count: 944 words)

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