Chapter 15- Saviour

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Yo people! Sorry I didn't update Thursday, I got busy with some family business. Anyways, that note aside, I'd figure I'd bring this up because it occurred to me; If you go by the pronouns of they/them, and would like to include them beside my her/she and him/he pronouns throughout the story, let me know! You can let me know in the comments or pm me if you aren't comfortable with sharing it with everyone. (Im not singling out anyone, so I won't tag you or anything saying that you're the one who asked.) Also, if you guys are struggling with something in your life (major stress, coming out, depression etc) and need someone to talk to pm me! I'll help the best I can and will try and be there for you guys as often as I can. Alright enjoy the chapter!

The door bursts open and reveals Sans, standing there, with an expression of pure hatred directed towards Undyne. His skull had a few dents in it, and it looked like his bones had bruises, if that was even possible. You weren't sure. You weren't sure of anything anymore.

The two robots quickly stepped to the side to avoid being caught in the middle of this fight.

"Saaaaaaaaaans!" Undyne said, opening her arms as is she was expecting a hug from the angry skeleton delivering a death glare to her.

Sans started to walk towards Undyne angrily and just as it looked like he would accept the hug from Undyne, he punched her in the face. Hard.

Undyne stepped back in surprise, coughing. She spat out some blood and looked at the skeleton with menace in her eyes. "It's on, short stuff."

The two monsters lunged at each other, grabbing different surgeon tools to attack the other.

Their weapons clashed as they fought, crashing into trays and monitors constantly.

You kept flinching at near misses of different things zooming by your face.

'What the hell is happening?' You wonder, pushing your head into the bed a bit further to avoid a vile of something from crashing and breaking on you.

Mettaton and Napstabot kept to the wall, well out of the way as they start to slowly inch towards the door.

The fight between the two monsters raged on long after the robots inched out of the room and ran. You hoped they were okay.

Sans had pushed Undyne into a corner with a surgeon tool filled tray, knocking her to the ground in the process.

Undyne slowly got up, rubbing her head in pain. Sans ran towards you and started undoing and ripping off the binds that bound you to that forsaken bed.

"Sans..." You breathed out. Said skeleton flashed a quick smiled at you and kept undoing your trap.

Undyne groaned and started pushing the tray away from her so she could escape.

Sans finally undid the last clasp, breathing hard. "Sans..." You said again. You couldn't believe he actually came.

The skeleton replied to you, still tired and beat up pretty bad. He touched both your shoulders with his gloved hands and looked into your eyes. "Get out as fast as you can. Follow the glowing red powder. Paps is waiting for you outside. You need to-" He didn't finish. An equally beat up Undyne charged him and he slammed into the wall.

As they fought, you watched, scared. What if he died? What if she started to experiment on him? What if she captures him?

"GO!!!" Sans called out to you.

You blink a few times then run out the door to the wretched room and into the dark winding hallways. On the floor you spotted a trail of glowing red powder on the side near the wall. You immediately follow it through the near darkness.

The chorus of grunts, bangs, crashes and clatters from the fight filled your ears as you progressed along the corridors.

Through the seemingly endless darkness, you ran through the twisting hallways, letting a little glowing trail that Sans had left guide you.You had no idea what it was, but it helped you. Eventually, you reach the top part of the lab, the fighting no longer audible, and you run out the door and crash into a bony figure.

"Hey." You heard Papyrus say. You didn't look at him. You were too busy catching your breath from running. It was tiring, and your body didn't exactly have a lot of energy, so you were exhausted, "Hey." You wheezed out, looking down with both of your hands on your knees trying to catch your breath.

You looked up at Papyrus and saw him smiling with tears in his eyes. "What? What is it?"

"C'mon. I'll tell you on the way." The tall skeleton said and immediately started walking towards this waterfall hallway like thing a couple ways down,

You mentally shrugged and followed him, curious to know what happened. The two of you walked in silence for a little bit, but you couldn't resist asking questions. "What was up with earlier? You were happy but sad? I didn't get it."

Papyrus sighed, then explained everything. "After the fight with Alphys, which we got over after two days, she went home and we started to realize some things. Undyne didn't stay and fight. You weren't here. And Temmie was hiding but came running soon after. He said you let him go just in case anything happened, and it looked like it did. Sans, Temmie and I searched Snowdin for days looking for you until we had sweeped through everything. We were all worried. Then, the next day, Undyne came and told us that you were dead. That you had run away from our fight in fear and started to wander off. That she tried to track you and bring you back before someone else got you. She looked for you and then found you dead, stabbed by a monster in the Hotlands. We couldn't believe it. I was confused and sad, and felt really bad about it. Temmie was extremely sad that he had lost his best friend in the entire world. But Sans was the worse. He was devastated. Crying about you sometimes, taking the blame for your death, wide awake at night with really bad nightmares. The list doesn't end. For almost three weeks we believed Undyne. Then she dropped a subtle hint that she had you. That she was experimenting on you. That you were alive. So as soon as she left we took action. Temmie found a shelter to stay at temporarily, I went to wait outside for you and Sans went inside to rescue you and fight Undyne. He bright some weird glowing red powder that Undyne and Alphys had given him years back that he never used. All he cared about was saving you."

You and Papyrus kept walking as you thought about what he said.

'All he cared about was saving you.'

ALL DONE!!! HOPEFULLY I CAN PUBLISH AGAIN ON THURSDAY!!! REMEMBER, (Read the A/N at the beginning again. I'm too lazy and too tired to write something again.) SEE YUH LATER POTATOES AND OTHER SPECIES!!!!

(Word Count 1200 words)

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