Chapter 4- Stories

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Before we start I'd like to give a quick shout out to KSwagDog for their super nice comment! It really got me motivated to keep writing. Thanks again!


As you brought Master Sans another Taco, you glanced out the window on the opposite wall. From the looks of it, it was late morning.

'How can there be day and night in the underground?' You wondered to yourself.

As you were lost in your thoughts, Sans had finished his Taco and was wondering what to do with you.

"Y/N!!!" He yelled, making you focus all your attention on him.

"Yes?.....Master Sans?"

"Entertain me."

"What?!" You say in shock at the skeleton's order. Entertain? How the hell were you supposed to entertain a spoiled brat like him?

"You heard me. Now get on with it slave!" He ordered again.

You sighed as you thought of possible ways for you to entertain this annoying bastard. You doubted he liked happy songs and dancing, so that was out of the question. You knew he liked seeing people suffer, but there was no way you'd hurt yourself for this guy's pleasure. You thought some more, trying to come up with something, anything, that could work.

"I'm waiting...." Sans said impatiently.

You thought again of anything to please him. Then you got an idea. You weren't sure if it would work, but it was worth a shot.

"Do you like stories?" You ask the master, anxiousness lingering in your brain at the thought of Sans saying no and possibly conflicting pain on you.

Sans' smug, ordering face disappeared, and it was replaced by a soft one. But only for a second. Then it changed back to normal.

"Tsk." You heard the skeleton scoff. "Stories are for babies.........." He trailed off in thought.

You roll your eyes and start to think of a new thing when Sans' voice broke your thoughts. "But if that's all you got, go ahead."

His voice seemed rushed, as if he didn't want to pass on this opportunity and lose his chance.

"Alright. But I need a place to sit." You say to the skeleton, tired of standing all this time.

"Hey! You can't tell me what to do! I'm the master and you're the slave! " He retaliated.

"No seat, no story." You say firmly.

"Fine." He grumbles, pointing to a stool on the other side of the room.

You smirked, seeing the 'all great and mighty Sans' obey a slave.

Going over to get the stool, you notice that there's a small bed beside it, almost like a dog bed, labeled 'Papyrus'.

Your head shook slightly at the sight as you dragged the stool over to where Sans is.

Seriously. Who makes their brother sleep in a dog bed? Oh well... It wasn't really worth questioning.

When you reached where you wanted the stool to be, you sat down and started reciting a story that your mother had told you many, many times before.

You're My Pet Now {Swapfell Sans x reader} Where stories live. Discover now