Chapter 13- Blood

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If you can't read about bloody stuffz, then don't read. At the end there'll be a thing at the bottom the recaps everything. For everyone else, enjoy the blood!

Your scream still echoed in your head and in the room as you were being roughly strapped down to the bed by Undyne.
(No, she is not going to rape you.)

You fought as hard as you could, but nothing helped. You could hear the clicks of each strap. You kept struggling, even though it was no use at the point.

Undyne smiled her creepy smile as she placed your head into the weird helmet thingy.

"What are you going to do to me?!" You managed to choke out. Undyne just laughed in response.

"Awwwww, Is the wittle human scared?" She said, mimicking a child.

Oh you weren't scared. You were terrified.

"LET ME OUT!!!" You shriek, struggling even harder against your binds.

Undyne laughed again, which made you shudder. Again. "You sound like Sans!" She laughed again. "Too bad he knows nothing about this~"

You fought against your restraints, thinking of Sans. And of Temmie and Papyrus. You had a feeling that you wouldn't survive this.... experiment.

Your struggle on the straps began to weaken as Undyne collected different tools. "What are you going to do to me?" You asked, weakness and shyness overcoming your confidence and strength in your voice.

Undyne didn't respond. She just happily hummed while she gathered surgical tools of every kind imaginable and placed them on a tray. She then placed the tray near you and filled up a syringe with a light purple liquid.

She then flicked a switch, and some of the machines hummed to life. She happily flicked another switch, and more machines and monitors turned on. Then she flipped one last switch, which sent an excruciating pain shock through the helmet and to your head.

You screamed again, terrified and in pain.

Your head still hurt, and more waves of pain came, just not as intense.

Undyne walked over to you, smiling. She raised the syringe and placed it near your forearm. You tried to struggle, but you couldn't. 

With a laugh, Undyne roughly injected the syringe into you. Pain shot through your whole body. You felt like you were burning from the inside out.

You thrashed around, trying to escape and get rid of the pain. You screamed again.

With a satisfied smirk, Undyne grabbed a sharp surgical knife and yanked up your sweater to halfway up your chest. (NO, SHE'S NOT RAPING YOU.)

She dragged the knife along your lower chest in a horizontal line, drawing blood. You inhaled sharply.

Undyne then placed the knife back on the tray and grabs a different syringe. As she fills it up, she flicks a switch and another huge wave of pain enters your head.

You still feel like you're burning on the inside when Undyne roughly injects a bright red liquid into your other arm. This time, you felt as if your body was being torn to shreds. Burning shreds.

The cut Undyne gave you was hurting immensely.

Undyne sent more waves of pain through your head and injected a blue liquid into your thigh and a dark red serum into your neck. You screamed twice more.

The pain grew and grew. It seemed that the centre of pain was the cut. Undyne released another wave of pain on your head and you screamed out of pain.

A hot feeling burned in your chest. It became hotter and hotter and slowly lifted.

You open your shut tight eyes to see a (f/c) heart shaped thing of energy floating above your chest.

Undyne laughed triumphantly. Then she stuck a pure black liquid into the heart shaped energy and your neck at the same time, causing you to get dizzy.

Your eyesight became hazy and you could barely move a muscle. The world began to fade, and you blacked out to the sound of Undyne's laughter.


Your eyes shot open and you adjusted to your surroundings. You go to move, but you are stopped by straps.

'Undyne's lab.' You remember, quivering at the thought of Undyne's ringing laughter.

You can see multiple cuts and bruises on your arms, legs and stomach.

Feeling like you are an inanimate object, you can't budge. You feel very sleepy, despite being knocked out for a while.

With the sound of irregular bootsteps, Undyne enters.

She gasps dramatically. "The human has woken!"

She laughed, then stuck the same black liquid into you and the heart energy again, and the world became hazy as you blacked out.

YO!!! So for everyone who skipped the chapter, the basic sum up is; Undyne did some small experiments on you and pulled your soul from your body. There was lots of blood and syringes. Next week, the fabulous MTT will make an appearance! Baiiii!!!

(Word Count: 826 Words)

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