Chapter 19- Hot Chocolate

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Alright! The flu has left me so I'm back! Thank you to all you lovelies who gave me get well soon comments. (And the cookies.) Okay I begin now.

Yawning, you awoke slowly and groggily and groaned. Temmie immediately shot up from his bed.

"Y/N!!! Y/N!!! Y/N!!!" He shouted excitedly, bounding over to your side of the bed and stood next to your arm.

You groaned again. "Five more minutes..." You mumbled sleepily. You nuzzled back into the strange, bony yet comfortable pillow beside you, hugging its warmth.

It smelled a lot like Sans. It was strangely comforting.

Shaking his head, Temmie bounced lightly up and down on the bed. "Y/NNNNNN!" He whined.

You responded to that with a "No. I'm going to sleep" And snuggled once more with the pillow.

"But you've been sleeping for three days!" Came the reply.

"I don't care. Sleep is good. I sleep." You said tiredly and not fully conscious on what you were saying.

Temmie was about to reply when Papyrus entered the room and scooped up Temmie. "You need to let her/him sleep, Temmie.      Y/N, and Sans too, still need their rest." Papyrus said softly.

He proceeded to walk out of the room with Temmie, closing the door behind them, and you heard their muffled voices discussing something happily before you heard the front door open and close, and the voices could no longer be heard.

Your eyes slowly shut again, and you couldn't help it.


You didn't really register that your pillow was Sans until he shifted under you, waking you up as he woke up.

You scooted away from him, much to your dismay, to give him his space.

He groggily opened his eyes and they locked with yours. He immediately smiled. "Y/N you're alright!"

You just smiled in response, admiring Sans' blue eyes. And, despite you knowing, him admiring your e/c eyes.

He reached out a skeletal hand from underneath the covers and moved some hair from your face.

To you it was a simple gesture of affection. To him it was the last thing he did before he lost consciousness and couldn't protect you.

He gently pulled his hand away as you spoke. "How are you feeling? Ya know, after the fight with Undyne and all."

"I'm doing okay." He replied, followed by a weak smile and a shiver. He looked around.

"Paps took us back home to Snowdin then?" He asked, figuring the answer was yes.

"Yup. " You replied. Another chill swept the room and you both shivered.

The two of you just sort of laid there in silence, with the occasional check to an injury that suddenly began to hurt.

The silence wasn't awkward. In fact, it was peaceful. But alas, it did not last, for the sound of the front door opening and closing broke it.

Footsteps came to yours and Sans' room and opened the door. Papyrus popped his head in. "I see you both are awake." He said, opening the door and entering along with Temmie.

Papyrus was carrying a tray with four mugs on it. The smelled delicious and they gave off lines of steam.

'Hot Chocolate.' You thought as you sat up on your bed, eager to have a delicious drink.

Sans slowly sat up after you did as Paps and Temmie sad on the opposite end of the bed.

Papyrus handed everyone a mug of hot chocolate as they drank up the tasty treat.

Throughout the rest of the evening, everyone laughed and talked while drinking hot chocolate as the snow fell softly outside.

Hey y'all! Sorry today's update was a bit shorter than normal, but it's short and sweet and I didn't want to add anything else to it.
Till next time my dudes.

(Word count 643 words)

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