Chapter 7- Questions.

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Alright here's the chapter like I promised! Sorry for the large gaps in updates. Homework is hard.... Anyways, thank you guys for such amazing comments! I know I say this a lot, but it means a lot to me. Okay here's your chapter baiii!!


The bright sunlight shone through the window and into the room. Hissing slightly, you moved over to shield your eyes from the sun, when you felt something.... Boney....

You shot up and looked down, and there he was. The short skeleton who was still uncomfortably tied to the bed post from his collar and leash. His arm was draped on your upper leg while the other was somewhere on the other side. He was sleeping soundly.

You looked up and noticed an adorable looking sleeping Temmie, who was smiling in his sleep.

'He looks happy.' You said to yourself as you gentility pushed Sans' arm off of you. You glanced at the still passed out Papyrus.

'Either I hit him really hard or he's just sleeping.'

Getting up, you made your way to the kitchen. You raided the fridges and cabinets for stuff to make a decent breakfast. Some for you, Temmie, and a little bit for the brothers. After all, you weren't that mean. You didn't want them to starve.

After a couple of minutes you found all the ingredients to make (favourite breakfast dish).

You put everything you needed on the large counter and got to work. It was a recipe your mother taught you.

After you placed it into the oven (or microwave or fridge or whatever), you wiped your forehead and washed your hands. Then, you heard slow footsteps approaching. Grabbing the nearest kitchen knife, you had it pointed at the door, ready to defend yourself if necessary.

You didn't know who would be here, but you could never be too carful.

The footsteps approached the door and you gripped the handle tighter.

Then the footsteps ended and Papyrus appeared in the doorway.

You let out a sigh of relief and put back the knife.

"Woah there." Papyrus said, putting his hands up in surrender.

You laughed awkwardly. "Sorry about that...."

Papyrus then rubbed his hand behind his neck. "Listen.... I'm sorry for anything that I've done to hurt you. I just don't want to disobey my brother. I made a promise to give him what he wanted. He's a nice guy once you get to know him."

"I appreciate your apology." You replied.

"Also." Papyrus started. "Don't even think about getting all romantic with my brother. He's mine!"

"Hey! Who said I was gonna get romantic with him, let alone like him!" You retaliated with a faint blush on your cheeks.

"C'mon. It's obvious that you both have developed feelings for each other! Even if you don't want to admit it!" Papyrus said, leaning against a fridge door.

Just then, your timer for your (breakfast dish) went off and you used that as a excuse to not face him and hide your now obvious blush.

'I don't like that brat! He's just a brat! But... He has a side... that's just so.... UGH HES SO FRUSTRATING!!!!' You thought to yourself as you concentrated on preparing the (breakfast dish) for everyone.

"Listen." Papyrus growled, now extremely close to you somehow. You could feel his breath down your neck. "Sans is mine, y'hear? I won't let you or anyone else take him away from me!"

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