Chapter 18- Walk

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Hey lovelies! Long time no see, eh? Well I'm back and ready to write! Be prepared for weekly updates! Thanks for being patient with me!

You awoke in a sweat, tears still wet on your face, which was frozen (LET IT GOOOOOOO!!! sorry. sorry. I shut up.) in a silent scream. You remembered your dream and continued to cry.

Having the ability to move the muscles in your face once more, you sniffed and wiped your tears off on your sweater. You propped yourself comfortably on your elbows. Still crying a bit, you looked over and saw a peacefully sleeping Temmie by your other arm, and beyond that a softly snoring Papyrus.

Feeling the need to forget your nightmare, you got up out of your sleeping bag, careful not to disturb Temmie and you crept out of the tent and into the tax house. You questioned why the tent was in a house, but you decided to forget about it.

Tip-toeing past a snoozing Flowey and his gold, you opened the door quietly, slipped out side, then closed it once more.

You let out a breath you didn't realize you had been holding. You took a few steps away from the door, and onto the path, and you began to walk. You walked out of the village of creepy money hoarding flowers and into the maze of darkness, lanterns, crystals, and of course, water, that was Waterfall.

You began to silently cry once more as you walked along whatever path was in front of you. You didn't care at the moment that you may not find your way back. You just walked with you head down spirits low.

You then wondered how you became so emotional then you ever were before.  You wondered why there couldn't be lasting happiness in your life. You wondered how you became so broken. So lost.

Your tears fell harder and your pace quickened as you thought of what you Mom said to you in your dream. How she was proud of you for talking care of Sans, Temmie and Papyrus. And then being torn apart by this monster. This monster your mind has created that was terrifying to you.

You kept walking, and almost crashed into a weird telescope with blood completely covering the end you were supposed to look into. You turned to avoid it and returned to your previous pace.

You were exhausted.  You were drained. But you turned around and ran in the direction that you came from. Your sudden surge of raging anger flooded through you and somehow you kept running, even though your body was screaming to stop and take a rest.

You couldn't stop. You ran past the entrance to the dark maze leading to the Flowey village. You ran out of Waterfall and into the Hotlands.

Sweating furiously, your body threatening to shut down, you kept running. All the way till you reached the dreaded building with the giant word 'LAB' written on it.

You wanted to charge in. To beat up Undyne. To destroy everything that she owned. And save Sans.

You ran up to the door and pounded furiously, screaming as more tears ran down your already tear stained face, your eyes extremely red.

You pounded against the door screaming for a while until you stumbled back as you slowly faded out of conciseness. The doors eventually opened slightly and out stumbled a broken, bruised Sans.

"Y/N?!" He said hoarsely. His voice was fading. He repeated your name hoarsely over and over as he rushed over to you.
You were dizzily collapsing, and you could barely see him. He was not in good shape either. You collapsed, and dropped into unconsciousness.

Unknowingly to you, the skeleton ran to your side, even though the pounding in his head told him not to. Once he reached you, he gently moved strands hair out of hair out of your face, breathing hard. He took his hand away, and collapsed along side you.

   ***********TIME SKIP***********

You groaned as cold air surrounded you. Shifting, you opened your eyes and saw snow everywhere. You looked groggily around and saw you were being carried over Papyrus' left shoulder, while a beat up Sans was being carried over his right.

You heard the pitter patter of Temmie's paws close by, and you assumed he was walking in front of Papyrus.

Your head began to pound again, and you figured it was best to let your mind take you back into unconsciousness once more.

~~~~ANOTHER TIME SKIP!!!!~~~~~

You awoke again in yours and Sans' room on the bed. Looking over, you saw a healing Sans sprawled out on his side.

You shifted your position and flinched in pain. Everything hurt.

Your head, your muscles, your bones... Everything. You were too exhausted to even care at the moment.

You began to drift in and out of sleep. Slew felt nice. Not thinking clearly, you grabbed Sans and pulled him closer to cuddle with him as both your wounds healed.

You floated off into dreamland, and dreamt of a laughing Sans, with Temmie and Papyrus, just having fun. It was a happy dream this time, and that made you smile into Sans' shoulder in your sleep.

IT DONE!!! Once again I am very sorry for the lack of updates, and very thankful that you were very patient with me. So, thank you. So how has your week been? I am being forced to go to prison- I mean school... How about you guys? See you on the flip side my dudes! Byeeeeee!

(Word Count: 932 words)

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