Chapter 8- Cleaning (Plus short A/N)

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HEYO! Before we start the chapter, I just want to ask you guys a question. How many chapters do you want? 10, 17, 15, 26? Comment how many you'd like and the winning number is how many I'll do. (Maximum is 30 chapters. Trust me. I know some of you will say 200. I ain't writing that much XD) Okay I know you guys want your chapter now so imma shut up now.

"Yeah! Cleaning!" You say enthusiastically.

"But why?" Papyrus groaned.

"Because Y/N said so!" Temmie said.

You smiled at Temmie, where the little monster returned back the smile.

'He's like a little adorable, innocent fluff-ball!' You think. 'I'm down for Temmie protection squad. Just who else will join me?-'

Your thoughts were interrupted by Sans' small snores. You whip your head around to check and sure enough, the small skeleton was fast asleep. And really adorable.

'Okay so Temmie and Sans protection squad?'  You think.

Papyrus, being Papyrus, bonked his brother on the head with his fist.

"Sans~ Wake up~" He said slurring his words, his face inching closer to Sans'. (This is for all you fontcest shippers out there ;) )

"Hmm...?" Sans mumbled sleepily.

A flare of... jealousy? Shot through you as you watched Papyrus get really close to Sans' face.

You could hear a faint sounds as their skulls touched.

At the feeling, Sans awoke with a start and pushed his brother off of him.

"What the hell?" Sans asked.

"You were sleeping. I had to wake you up." Papyrus shrugged.

You watched as the skeleton brothers bickered back and forth.

Temmie slipped away unnoticed as he went to get a few things to surprise you. He remembered where they were thanks to the little tour Papyrus gave him.

A few minutes later, Sans and Papyrus' bickering ended from a crash coming from the door.

All three of you look over at the door. As your eyes trail downwards, you spot Temmie, who had dragged a giant bucket full of cleaning supplies into the room. He sat proudly beside it shaking his tail in excitement.

"Woah. Thanks Temmie!" You say, eyeing all the cleaning supplies that the little monster has brought you.

You picked up the heavy supplies and Temmie. You tossed the broom and dustpan to Papyrus and a scrubber and container of soapy water to Sans. You gave Temmie a duster and you grabbed a cloth and something that resembled Windex but it was... electric blue....

'Strange....'  You think.

"Alright everyone!" You yelled out, Even though there was no need to.

"We'll start in this room and clean. Papyrus mops, Sans' scrubs, Temmie dusts and I clean the windows. Any objections?" You command.

Everyone was silent.

"Then let's get cleaning!" You say, raising the cloth in the air like a flag.

*does impression of the narrator from Spongebob* A few hours later....

"Almost done! We only have two rooms left!" You say proudly, inspecting the now shining kitchen that you guys just finished cleaning.

Temmie climbed up your leg and your sweater onto your shoulder. "What if we split up? That way it'll get done faster and there will be less people in our way." Temmie suggested.

"Sounds good to me!" You say.

With the help of Temmie and Papyrus, you find the closet where the cleaning stuff are kept and grabbed an extra bucket. You gave more supplies to everyone as one group cleaned the cells and the other group cleaned the breakfast/pedestal room.

You and Temmie were a group and Sans and Papyrus were a group. Temmie refused to go back into the dungeon so your group was cleaning the breakfast/pedestal room. Sans and Papyrus were doing the cells.


As soon as the groups parted ways, the skeleton brothers immediately started bickering. You yelled at them to stop. They did. For 30 seconds.

Groaning, you leave Temmie to clean the breakfast/pedestal room. You run down the stairs into the dungeon, where the argument got louder and louder until you found the two siblings.

"ENOUGH!!!" You scream. The argument immediately stops.

"One of you. Go upstairs and help Temmie." You say.

Sans crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Not me!" He said.

Papyrus shrugged. "I guess I'm doing it?" He questioned.

"Yeah." You replied. "Just use my cleaning stuff."

Papyrus lumbered his way up the stairs, glaring at you. He didn't like that you got to spend time with his beloved brother. But he obeyed anyways.

"Alright Sans let's hop to it!" You say enthusiastically, picking up Papyrus' previous cleaning supplies.

Sans let out a small groan but obeyed, and he began to clean the very dirty cells. You helped and cleaned with him.

As you cleaned you kept catching yourself glancing at Sans a lot. You wondered why. You brushed it off, but somewhere, deep down, you knew, there was a reason.

1  H  O U R  L A T E R . . .

"Sans are you almost done?" You ask.

The two of you were currently cleaning the last cell; The one you had stayed in. You had just finished dusting areas and went to go check on Sans who was scrubbing the floor.

"Sans?" You asked. You walked over to the other side of the bed.

"Sa- AAAAH!!!" You scream, slipping on the extra scrub brush.

You landed on your hands and knees, face touching none other than Sans.

Your e/c eyes locked onto his turquoise.

A deep blush creeped on both of your faces.

You pulled away, embarrassed more than ever before.

Sans was also a blushing mess.

At that moment, you discovered what a part of you deep down knew.

That you were falling for Sans.


YAAAAAY!!! Remember to comment how many chapters you want!

(Word Count: 967 words)

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