Work Day

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"Mr Linton, get me file 27BX821 right now!"

"Mr Linton, get me file 32LD143 now!"

"Knowledge is power is time is money Mr Linton. I am wasting Time and therefore Power, Time and Money waiting for you to fetch these files at an infernally slow pace."

"Mr Linton, get me file 45FG286 right now!"

"Mr Linton, get me file 79QB494 right now!"

"Adequate Mr Linton. You are excused. Go sort out my personal correspondence."

Business was going adequately. All my holdings around the globe were doing well and my trade operations were running smoothly as well. My business was going so well in fact that others may even find this amount of success a cause for celebration. I however refrain from participating in the most pathetic waste of time and money I have ever seen; known colloquially as 'partying'.

With the business portion of my dealings taken care of. For now. It was time to focus on eradicating all personal issues and ahem rivals.


"Yes Sahib?"

"How many males have approached Mr Linton's front door within the last week? Of that number, how many carried flowers, chocolate and/or other paraphernalia dealing with 'romance'?"

"15 Sahib. I managed to eliminate all but one Sahib. This cheerful fellow named Carter seems smitten with the ifrit and refuses to go away no matter how much I threaten to bash his head in."

Carter? Hmm that name sounds familiar. Could it be? That ridiculous fellow with the speck of a beard on his chin and clownish smile on his face at all times? The man with whom my ifrit danced with? Multiple dances too! With that infernal jumping dance that the youth seemed to favor so much. Bah! It was simply all a waste of time(and therefore knowledge, money and power)

But you would dance it for her correct?

Who is this her you speak of? I, Rikkard Ambrose have no attachment to any female. Especially not those with hard heads, adequate secretarial skills, soft silky brown hair, plump pink lips, perfectly shaped derrières and fiery personalities.

Wow. You totally don't love her Rikkard. Absolutely. You convinced me.

Irrelevant. I must ignore that irritating voice in my mind. It seems to be piping up at the worst and oddest times like yesterday when Mr Linton-

Mr? Really? Even after all you've seen?


Fine. MISS Linton walked in carrying a tower of files. As she left her trousers were very....clingy. And the thought of her admittedly well shaped derrière send me thoughts into an endless loop in which she and I were...alone...doing things.

Like office work I assume?

Wha-yes of course it was office work. In fact what we were doing was going over the accounts of all my African Business Transactions.

You're such a terrible liar Rikkard. Just admit it already will you?

Admit what? I don't have anything to hide. Or anything to admit. Who me? Why would I need to confess anything?

Karim drew me out of my spiraling thoughts and asked a very good question. That I surprisingly had no answer to

"Sahib? What should I do about this Carter man? Regular elimination tactics will not work on him."

"I will take care of this man Karim. This cockroach will be crushed before he realizes what hit him."

Karim left the door open and my (fe)male secretary walked in.

"Mr Ambrose sir? Can you tell me what you and karim were talking about just now?"

"I could."



"Well what Mr Linton? I do not pay you to dawdle."

"Tell me what you were talking about with Karim, you son of a bachelor"

"None of your business Mr Linton. Return to your work"

My private secretary then proceeded to berate me in multiple languages and stormed out in an angry rage. Her vocabulary is growing quite quickly I must admit. If only she knew more words than "Bloody Son of a Castrated Donkey".

"Mr Linton?"

"Yes Mr Ambrose sir? Are you finally going to tell me what it is that you and Karim talked about?"

"Who is this...Carter man?"

More like Carter slug. But nonetheless...

Huh. Someone's jealous. Why be jealous if you aren't interested in this female? Hmm? Answer the question Rikky darling.

Ahem back to the situation at hand.

"He's a friend sir."

"A friend? I do not go out in society much Mr Linton, but kindly inform me if leaving flowers and chocolate for your 'friend' is common courtesy."

There. I can gain the information I need without seeming overly invested in the situation. Adequate job Rikkard.

Yes. Absolutely. You did not seem invested at all in this situation concerning your private secretary.

"Well he is just a friend you bloody wanker. And why would you care anyway? All you care about are your piles of money and your wallet."

My eyes flashed at her. I care about one more thing in the world....or should I say person?

It is...

"Mr Ambrose sir!"

"What is it Mr Linton? As you can see, I am very busy and do not have time for lazy employees like yourself. This time will be deducted from your paycheck of course."

"Of course. Money again. What else would you care about?"

Mr Linton's eyes started to...tear up? Was the unbreakable Linton herself crying?

I strangely felt this odd tugging sensation in my abdominal area. It was so wrechningly uncomfortable that I felt that I had to do whatever neccesary to get rid of it. What do people normally do in this sort of situation with a crying female?

I slowly walked towards Miss Linton and encased her soft feminine body and pulled her close to my chest. I had no idea what I was doing but it felt like it was the only hint that will make the uncomfortable tugging sensation disappear. I did it only for myself of course. Not for Miss Linton at all. In fact her puling did not have any effect on my compsture or mental state at all.

She rested her head against my body and we stood there. For how long I do not know. For some inconcievable reason time decided to stand still. And so we stood. It could have been mere minutes and it could have been hours. All I knew was that at that time my money and business was not calling out to me like normal. The only thing I wanted was to keep this human being in my arms until the last of her tears stopped flowing and even then to....

Never let her go?

To send her to work. That's what I wanted to do. Crying employees are unproductive and all I was doing was making sure my employee productivity remained at the maximum.

Then for some unfathomable reason my lips started leaning towards her face until I was only centimeters away from her.

My lips touched her forehead and I pulled her in closer and tighter so that I would not have to deal with the threat of this Carter boy and her other countless suitors until later.

And for once in my life...later could wait.

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