The Clue

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"I can't reveal Lilly's exact location-"

Mr Ambrose felt his heart drop down to his stomach. Would he have to comb the earth inch by inch to find Lilly again?

"...but I can offer certain clues as to where she may be-on the condition that you still give my Edmund a high paying job and leave us alone after this."

"Explain what you mean by this...clue Miss Linton."

"Simple. I will give you a couple lines describing where Lilly ran to after YOU hurt her. You may then use those clues to figure out where she went- if you're clever enough that is. But I will only reveal this information IF you fulfill the terms and conditions of your original offer."

His lips thinned and Mr Ambrose thought hard about what this new deal implied. This was not an ideal situation, sure, but some information would be enough to find her right? After all, a devilishly handsome, crafty and intelligent businessman like him surely wouldn't have trouble solving some riddle given to him by a mere child?

"I accept your terms Miss Linton."

The girl smiled at him for the first time, a glint in her sparkling blue eyes. Was that mischevious look she was shooting him? No, he must be imagining in it. The child was probably just happy that she would soon have a way to marry her patheticly lovelorn lover. 

"Well Mr Ambrose, here is my riddle; 

Deep in the heart of the Indies

Lies an island untouched by you

Known as the Pearl of the Orient,

It's mountains and plantations protect 

Our flower from your pervasive darkness"

What? What on earth did that mean? What sort of riddle didn't even rhyme? He had expected some simple nursery rhyme thought up by a naive girl, but instead he had gotten the most challenging puzzle of his life. 

He really should stop underestimating the Linton siblings. 

Ella Linton shot him a slightly smug but also empathetic look when she noticed his barely detectable befuddlement. 

"Well I wish you luck in solving the riddle Mr Ambrose. My Edmund will be receiving his new job shortly, I presume?"

Distractedly he mumbled an affirmation out loud and then went back to his confused thoughts. 

What on earth did the riddle mean?

Authors Note: Hey everyone, apologies for the super short chapter, but I wanted to get the riddle out there for all of you to(hopefully) solve. 

I won't post the next chapter for another two days...just to let y'all stew in deep thought for a while. 

Please pardon my poem writing skills lol...I can't rhyme😅😂

So....where do you think Lilly is? 

where do you think Lilly is? 

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