The Proposal

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He was going to do it.

Rikkard Ambrose had finally manned up and decided to converse with Captain James Carter regarding Carter's inappropriate interactions with Miss Linton instead of plotting to ship him away or miserably failing at assaulting him in a dank alley in the bowels of London.

At the moment he stood at the doorstep of a military hostel, a place where many of the military folk would stay when they were not off on duty and simply enjoying life before deployment. Mr Ambrose's perfect hearing picked up on two things; the sounds of drunken sailors and soldiers, and also the presumed lack of sophisticated people in the residence. Ah well at least they would not try to shove their disgusting and eligible female relatives down his throat.

After all he only had the patience for one female in his life.

Taking an uncharacteristic breath to steady himself, he knocked on the solid door of the hostel twice. Immediately the clamor inside was silenced and the door inched open so that one man could peek through(most undignified by the way) and cautiously ask "Who are you?"

"Mr Rikkard Ambrose. I wish to speak to Captain James Carter regarding some private business matters."

"He isn't here you bloody wanker. He left to go meet with that young lady he's always blabbering about."

My heart raced uncontrollably. What if-what if he was about to ask for her hand? I knew that Lillian definetely already some attachment to that man. Would this bias extend to the extent of marrying him and engaging in conjugal bliss with that slug?

Because the only conjugal bliss you want her to be experiencing is with you, you bloody stone cold miser.

With my heart pounding I turned and ran(RAN!) towards the park where they had spent so much time together; laughing and enjoying the other's presence. How could I even compare to that man? Yes I was the more attractive, wealthy, practical, and honorable, but that man truly made her laugh. All I could offer her was freezing cold silence, orders, and the occasional scorching osculation session. Perhaps she really was better off with him?

No Rikkard. Recall with how much passion she kissed you back- countless times. Lillian is not the type to lead multiple men at the same time. She, in at least some capacity must care for you. If you give up now however, you will have lost her forever.

I finally reached the gates of the park and made way to the old bench where she and her past suitors always sat. I could see Lillian standing looking around at something with a smile on her face and the Captain- reaching into his pocket and pulling a small box out!

Was he going to propose to her? I must stop this madness now. She was to be with myself, not that miserable excuse of a man!

Somehow, even with my great power, wealth, and knowledge, I stood frozen in time and watched the Captain kneel to the grassy ground and clear his throat.

"Miss Linton?"

"Yes James-"

They were on first name basis already? Perhaps I should allow her to call me Rikkard?

"-oh. Oh. Wh-why are you on the ground James?"

He took a deep breath and said with a slightly wavering voice

"When I first met you Lillian, I saw a beautiful and vengeful angel of a woman guarding her younger sister with almost impossible levels of love. I knew in an instant that I wanted to be one of the recipients of that limitless love. I want, no need you in my life Lillian. I cannot see a future for myself without you in it. With you I have everything I could possibly want from life; happiness, a woman who is unafraid to speak her mind, and a vision of the bright future we could share together if you accept my proposal. Lillian my love, I promise to always treat with you utmost honor and care and to never force you to bend to my wishes like so many of the men out in the world. I promise to always value you for your mind and skills, not just your body, and to support your-no our- goals of achieving much deserved rights for all females in the country. Lillian Linton, will you make me the happiest man alive and do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

I stood there shellshocked, ever the bystander, as she opened and closed her mouth multiple times trying to process his words.

That should've been me. Have I missed my chance to be with her?

"James I-I dont know what to say-"

He interrupted her earnestly " Just say yes Lilly, and we can begin the rest of our lives together now."

She closed her for a second and seemed to be in a place far far away. She touched her lips once and sighed and then said

"James I..."

Authors Note: Hey guys😏 What'd you think of the chapter? Cliffhanger much?

Is Lilly going to accept his heartfelt proposal? Or will she reject it in favor of remaining with everyone's favorite stone cold miser?

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