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Once he came to his senses, Mr Ambrose practically ran out of his office and on to the streets to try and find Lilly before she did something rash. 

What did her cryptic words mean? "I won't need money where I'm going"? What a ridiculous notion that was; the world they lived in unfortunately required money to be spent at every possible oppurtunity. She would not be able to get by without atleast some pocket money to survive. 

Fine. He admitted to himself. He was worried-really worried- for her wellbeing. 

They had always had their own petty squabbles that ended with one or both of them angry, but never before had one ended like this. He had said some things that he really did not mean, and he knew she had too. This was relatively normal. Her hotheadedness combined with his own infuriating temperament often led to hostile verbal exchanges, but that was not what worried him. The cause of his deranged and irrational mental state was simple; the end. 

She had never looked at him in that way before; with those large and vulnerable molten chocolate eyes that seemed to be shattered in some way he could not fix. He would even throw his vast fortune away just to find a way to fix what was broken inside of her. 

But he could only fix her if he could find her. Where had she gone? She was nowhere to be found on the streets, so he made his way to her residence. Her maternal aunt figure would surely be receptive to his presence(and status). He grimaced slightly. It appeared that in order to woo Lillian, he would also have to deal with the 'charms' of her aunt. The benefit in this case however, greatly outweighed the cost. 

The door swung open to reveal the wrinkled face of Hester Mahulda Brank. Rather than looking happy to see him, she looked rather...worried. 


He could feel it in his bones; something was off. This lady was about to reveal some terrible information; information that would ruin him immediately.  

"Mr Ambrose...why are you here? Are you not supposed to be with Lillian preparing for your business trip to the Netherlands?"

"The Netherlands? Why on earth would I be there? Where is Lillian?"

"But-but she said she was leaving with you. And I gladly let her go because it was with an honorable suitor like yourself. If she isn't with you...then where is she?"

Mr Ambrose's mind was spinning. Where had she gone? Her own family did not know her whereabouts, and he did not know where she was either. 

Who was the one person in this world that she trusted above all others? Who would carry the clue to where Lillian Linton had disappeared? 

Her sister. 

But what was the girl's name?





Ella. Ella Linton held the key to finding her  and making things right between them again. 

"Mrs Brank I need to speak with your neice Ella. Now."

The lady at once seemed to brighten up. What on earth was she thinking? He was not here to replace one Linton sister for another. Did she expect a marriage proposal from him? Right after the one woman he wanted disappeared?

"At once Mr Ambrose. Please come in. Ella's room is upstairs, and the last room on the right. Please stay as long as you want." 

Ugh. What a sycophant. This sort of lady was the kind of social climber he abhorred. Passionately. 

The simpering aunt then practically floated out of the room, leaving him alone with a young blond female giving him a distrustful look. He had the strange sense that the girl was not made to have such hostile expressions on her face. Hmmm interesting. 

"Are you-are you the man that made Lilly cry hours ago?"

The words felt heavy on his tongue, but he forced himself to face the fact that yes, it was he who had hurt her so. 


"Then I'm assuming you wish to know where she is? Well I can't and won't tell you. You hurt my sister so badly; I've never seen her in this much pain before. She or I will never forgive you for this sir. You may be an affluent businessman, but you will never have Lilly as yours. I will protect her till my very last breath!"

Despite her strong and forceful words, there was a certain waver in Ella Linton' voice that betrayed her nerves in defying a man. 

Aha. He could use this to extract some valuable information from her. 

"Tell me once, and I will leave you alone Ms Linton. Where is your sister?" His statement was accompanied by the iciest of glares in his arsenal. He could almost visibly see her mental walls breaking down and his precious answers getting uncovered.

"Sh-she's-she's in S-ugh no I cannot tell you! I can't betray the confidence of my beloved sister. You may be an intimidating man, but you will not get the answers out of me. I will stand by her!"

"Tell me one more time Miss Linton....where is my Lillian?"

"You'll never find her...she's...gone."

Authors Note: Wow we went from 6.4K reads to 7.1K in just a day! That's amazing! Thank you to all of you for reading, sharing, voting, and commenting! 

Soooo where do you think Lilly went? Starts with an S huh?

Do you think Ella will break down and tell him? Or will Mr Ambrose have to go on a wild goose chase to find her and make up?

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Thank you😘

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