Drunk in Love Part 2

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He was drinking. 

Rikkard Ambrose, who had not touched a drop of alcohol in nearly 7 years, was drinking. 

Over what, you may ask. Over a bloody female, that's what. What a ludicrous situation. Why would Britain's richest and most focused financial magnate get intoxicated over the affections of some woman? 

But that was just the thing; she was not some woman. She was the only woman he saw. Even when she was dressed in her male clothes as his secretary, he felt a pull towards her that he got not place nor name. She had steadily wormed her way into his heart. Her cheerful smiles and fiery personality a stark contrast to his icy heart and cold aura, she had broken down the walls that locked him away from everybody piece by piece, inch by inch. 

She was the first person he had ever known that was willing to do anything to save him at the risk of even their own life. With each passion filled kiss and embrace, she had drawn him closer and closer until he was completely entrapped in her charms. The worst part? She did not even realize the extent of his love for her. 

Miss Linton- no Lilly seemed to think that he simply put up with her for the sake of getting work done. No. Never once in his life had Rikkard Ambrose paused to have fun, paused to enjoy the moment, paused to do something for somebody else. She made him pause- to stop and enjoy life for once. She melted away his cold exterior to reveal what still lay buried underneath after years of disuse; a heart. 

And now he loved her.

Yes. He did love her. But what difference did it make? In the end, because of his own stupidity, she was going to marry that Captain, bear him children, make him laugh with her antics, instead of him. 

She would soon become Mrs Carter rather than Mrs Ambrose; James' rather than Rikkard's; a housewife instead of fiery personal secretary. 

Rikkard actually did enjoy her personality. Not only was she a good and dedicated worker, but she was always willing to go the extra mile and brought some semblance of joy into his cold cut and dry life. 

She was, as some would say, the sunshine to his darkness. 

But he had pushed her away. 

In an effort to save her light, he pushed her into the arms of another man. Would she be happy? Maybe. Safe? Definitely. 

But are you happy?

Mr Ambrose sighed. No. That much should be obvious from the wrecked state of his office. In his rage after seeing her accept his proposal, he had walked back to Empire Hall and flipped the table, broken the glass, shattered the objects on the desk. The chaos of the room was comparable to the chaos inside of him at the moment. His office looked like a veritable war zone.

Perhaps it was. Rikkard Ambrose prided himself on never being on the losing side in a conflict...but now he has just lost. He had lost the war. The one chance for happiness he had? He had let her go. 

But perhaps....? She did not seem to want to leave you either Rikkard. 

Maybe. But in the end, she had agreed to marry another man. Rikkard Ambrose would not come between him and her if they actually chose each other. 

Flashes of what might have been passed in front of his eyes...a small chapel, an intense wedding night, long peaceful days in the office, banter with her late into the night, the feel of her lips and her body again his, molding together perfectly, two young children, with his stormy eyes and her  chocolate brown hair. 

The pain was excruciating. He may have done the right thing, but it hurt him more than anything else he had ever done. This hurt more than the first time he was kicked out, the first time he was disowned, the first time he was beaten up on the streets, the first time he had to resort to begging in order to survive, the first time he missed his sister's birthday due to not being welcome anymore. No this was an infinitely worse pain. One that seemed to course through his entire body, not leaving an inch untouched from pain. 

But he deserved it. He deserved it all. Seeing that cloudy and broken look take over he normally shining brown eyes had broken him far worse than physical assult ever could. 

Growling angrily, he grabbed the bottle of wine and took another large swig. Perhaps if he drank so much that he would cease to exist, the pain would be gone. 

If he had done the right thing, then why did it hurt so much? Why did his heart seem to shattered into a million sharp, tiny pieces? Why did every fiber of his body tell him to go and win her back somehow? 

And now-now the alcohol was taking effect. Ah a drunken slumber would atleast be temperary reprieve from the swirling dark storm raging inside of him. He slowly began to drift off, his alcohol consumption too much for his still-mortal body to handle while conscious. 

With his ears ringing and his eyes nearly fluttering shut, he dimly heard the door to his office open and a rather feminine gasp ring through the nearly silent room. 

Who could it be? He wondered. Surely no one cared enough for a miser like him to come see him after office hours in his drunk state. 

He sensed soft footsteps padding towards the desk where he lay sprawled in a rather undignified manner. He wanted to open his eyes and see who it was, correct his posture, assume the condescending and cold manner he normally did, but could not muster the energy. His eyes were nearly burning with the exertion of trying to open them. 

Soft, cool hands touched his forehead and moved his matted and messy hair away. 

He heard four words before he drifted away into the welcoming darkness. 

"I love you Rikkard."

Authors Note: Hello everyone and thank you so much for all the support. I decided to write up this rather angsty chapter to show what Mr Ambrose is really feeling on the inside as Lilly chose Carter over him. 

Now the end...who came in to the office? Is it the real Lilly? Is it a hallucination? Will Mr Ambrose win her back? Will Lilly break off her engagement to Captain Carter?

As always, if you enjoyed the chapter, please leave a comment and/or a vote. Thank you!

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