Drunk in Love

2.3K 119 48

The Captain stumbled in through the doors with a goofy smile on his face. By the looks of it, he seemed drunk. How crass...

The Captain stumbled around the ballroom until his eyes landed on  Lillian eyes. His brown(and rather squinty) eyes lit up and he walked quickly to them, swaying side to side. 

"Lilly my love! Lilly! Lillian Linton! Will you marry me!"

Mr Linton stiffened and then sighed and turned to face the waiting Captain with a forced smile on her face. She could obviously feel the eyes of the entire ballroom on her and was now forced to confront the obviously intoxicated man in front of her. 

She forced a smile and then grabbed him by the ear and hissed "What are you doing here  James? Are you drunk?"

He slurred in reply "Am I drunk? Of course I am; Drunk in Luuuuuuv......."

He seemed ready to fall over and so Lillian took him by the arm and led him to one of the benches near the latrines. I of course followed at a respectable distance to make sure the drunk man was behaving properly. 


Why does she call him by first name? She doesn't call you that Rikky. Does she like him better?

"-why are you here? And why are you drunk?"

"Because I love you Lilly! I asked you to marry me and you said you need time....so I gave you time....will you marry me?"

Lillian seemed to feel the strength of the icy glares I shot into the back of her head and turned around to look at me with a strange look in her eyes. Was that....hesitation I saw?

She then stormed towards me and pulled me to the side behind a curtain for privacy. If anyone(especially her dreadful aunt) saw us in here together, we would be finished. 

"What do you want Mr Linton? Tell me quickly; remember Time is Knowledge is Power is Money."

"What are your intentions concerning me Mr Ambrose? Be honest with me."

What an odd question at an odd time. Was she unhappy working under me? Did she want me to...admit my infatuation with her?

 My heart started racing at an unnatural pace. What do I do? Do I tell her the actual truth? Or do I maintain the illusion of a strict professional relationship? What about Lord Dalgleish? If I start pursuing her publicallh, he would definitely pounce on her as my weakness and exploit her at every turn. No, for her own safety, I(atleast at this time) would have to stay away. 

The right decision...but perhaps not the happy one. I could feel every bone in my body begging me not to say those fateful words. But it was for her own safety...surely it was the right thing to do?

With my mind made up, I spoke "What intentions do you speak of Mr Linton? I have no intentions but to pursue a purely professional relationship with you."

Her eyes flashed and then clouded over. Something inside her seemed to wilt. She looked up with resignation in her eyes and pulled me close to her. "Very well." She leaned in closer and until we were only centimeters apart and placed her lips on mine. 

Unlike the normal kisses we shared that were full of passion and lust, this one seemed different. It seemed almost like a goodbye of sorts. Bittersweet and filled with longing, she continued to osculate with me intensely and sensually until she pulled away. Resting her forehead against mine she opened her mouth as if to say something, but then closed it and looked away. 

Miss Linton then walked away with one last glance and walked towards Captain Carter. What was she doing with him? She just kissed me seconds ago!

"Captain Carter?"

The lovestruck man looked up and smiled a nauseatingly adoring smile up at her. 

I suddenly felt an uncomfortable twisting in my stomach. No. Something bad was going to happen. 

"I accept your offer of Marriage."

Authors Note: I said let's try to get to 1.6K but wow we're at 1.7K right now. Thank you so much to all of you! 

Wow this chapter was intense😱😫😭

I actually feel so guilty cuz the lambrose feels are too real

As always, please comment and/or vote if you enjoyed the chapter....

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