Reunions and Reconcilliations

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She looked absolutely shocked and simply stared at me for precisely 3 minutes and 24 seconds. 

My mind started to race in this time;  had I asked her at the wrong time? She was already engaged to be married; did she not want me like I wanted her? Was she about to reject my heartfelt proposal?

It felt as if one word, a single 

My thoughts were cut short by one word. 


To say I was shocked would be an understatement, and I dimly registered myself stuttering out a pathetically emotional "Very well Miss Linton."

She smirked at me in a mischevious way and stalked towards my prone form. I waited not-so-patiently to see  what she would do next, and was pleasantly surprised by her next actions. 

Her plump pink lips met mine in a sweet and promising way that pointed to a bright future full of light and happiness rather than the darkness and uncertainty I had been living in all my life. I kissed her back with equal passion and then lifted her up onto the desk so I would not have to bend down so far to kiss her. 

This kiss, though still extremely enjoyable, was not the normal passionate kiss we shared; this kiss was a premonition, a sign, that good things involving the two of us were to come. After all, once we were married, I could protect her at all times. What safer place was there for her, than next to me?

Our sweet kisses slowly turned passionate and heated as her hands started to undo the buttons of the shirt(mint condition of course) that I wore. I was about to reach behind her and begin the process of taking of her outer garments, when she suddenly stiffened. 

What happened? Had I hurt her in some way? Was she regretting getting engaged to me?

I got my answer approximately three seconds later. 

"Mr Ambrose! I'm still technically engaged to Captain Carter! I need to break the news to him that I won't be marrying him! Bloody hell what will he think? I'm his friend for god's sake!"

I felt an ugly coiling buildup in my chest. Why was she thinking of him even when she was engaged in romantic activities with me? Was I not good enough for her?

"You're mine Lillian. Mine. Not his. It should not matter what he thinks because it is I who will become your husband, not him." 

I saw the fire reappear in her eyes and it was then that I knew that there was trouble brewing on the horizon. 

She exploded on me, the happy and hopeful mood of the past few minutes withering away like dead flowers; "You bloody son of a bachelor, I can speak with whomever I like! Don't you dare try to control me. I will not stand down to any man, especially not the chauvinistic type like you!"

I took a deep breath and counted to ten. Must not explode. Must not retaliate. Must keep calm. Must be matu-

I cannot. 

My own voice radiated a freezing cold "Then leave Miss Linton. Perhaps you're better suited to be a vapid socialite; flitting around different men like bees do with flowers."

"You know just as well as I do that I have infinitely more brains than those tame housewives! I will not settle to be the property of a man...especially not a stone cold chauvinist like you!"

Her words felt like a dagger through the heart. I had been stabbed many times during the course of my twenty odd years on this earth, but none had sent this amount of pain coursing through my body. I blindly retaliated, relying on words that would surely make her hurt.

"You think you have intelligence Mr Linton? You are nothing but a daft woman dressed as a man who thinks she can survive in the world by herself. I do hate to break it to you, but you are property; my property. And as your superior, I feel the need to let you know that you are in fact no more meaningful to me than any other woman that throws herself at me at those damned balls."

Immediately after the words left my mouth, I regretted them. Why had I spoken so rashly and harshly to her when I wanted nothing more than to hold her close once more and go back a mere five minutes in time?

She stared at me in shock and her chocolate brown eyes radiated sadness, anger, and worst of all...disappointment. 

She slowly walked closer to me and all the anger seemed to drain out of her step by step, leaving only a husk of her fiery passion behind. My heart inexplicably started racing; what if she called off the engagement? Would she go marry him now? She wasn't the type to take insults lightly and was always ready to stand up for her beliefs. But yet...something in her eyes told him that this was not some petty argument that she wanted to squabble about. This was going to blow up in his face. In a major way. 

Lilly reached up to take Mr Ambrose by the collar and pulled him closer, almost close enough to kiss. He closed his eyes in preparation(and anticipation) for the kiss that was surely coming. But Lilly? She had other plans. She was going to speak; only four words, but four that would effectively rock his world. 

In a voice reminiscent of shards of irreparably shattered glass, she painstakingly provinces the words "I'm done. I quit". 

Mr Ambrose could not believe his ears. Quit? Her? Lilly? The one who refused to quit no matter how badly he tried to torture her, no matter how poorly he had treated her? Why would she leave his employ and him?

Before he could register what was happening, she pulled him in closer, their lips almost touching, and breathed in his scent one last time. 

"Goodbye Mr Ambrose. It was a pleasure working for you."

He finally found his voice and stuttered "B-but you can't leave! You-you having received your...monthly wages! Yes your salary still awaits you Mr Linton. I do not give absent employees my hard earned money."

At this point, I was grasping for straws. I realized that. There was no way the strong willed woman in front of me would forgo her pride and morals to stick with a miserable chauvinist like me. After all, she was the light, and I lived in the shadows. No matter how hard the shadows crave the light, the light is too pure, too good for them. And that's the way it was for us; she was-is too good for me; too perfect; as much as I wanted her, I could give her nothing more than an uncertain future and a cage full of darkness. No matter how hard the dark tried to trap the light, it always managed to slip she would from me. I knew her response before she even opened her mouth. 

She smiled a sad reminiscent sort of smile...more of a grimace really. 

"I won't need the money where I'm going Mr Ambrose. "

With that, she turned on her heel and left his office once more empty, cold, and...uncomfortable. 

Authors Note: Whoo what a chapter. What do you think of Lilly's ending statement? What's she gonna do? Is the engagement on? Is it off? Will she go marry Captain Carter now? Will she run away? Does she have a plan up her sleeves?

I'm so sorry for not updating guys...I've been trying to think of a proper ending for this chapter for a while now...but my writing didn't flow until yeah. 

Damn I've been away for like a week and a half, and we're already at 6.4K reads! That's amazing! Thank you to all of you for the support, and pls comment and vote if you enjoyed the chapter😉

Here's a picture of Mr Ambrose's office(and life) after Lilly walked out. Rather cold and depressing isn't it?

 Rather cold and depressing isn't it?

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