Goodbye Captain

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I, Rikkard Ambrose, most definitely the most brilliant and scheming man in the Western Hemisphere had finally made a plan to get rid of that leech of a Captain. I have come up with a ridiculously simple, yet ingenious plan to ship that man far away until Lillian can no longer even picture his face. 

You wish to hear the plan? I offer my (in)sincerest condolences as I can, but will not yield to your wishes. Knowledge is Power is Time is Money remember? If I share this incredibly satisfying knowledge with you, it would be tantamount to sharing my power, time, or money. It simply would not do for me to go around giving things away in charity. However else would I maintain my far lead over Lord Dalgleish as far as monetary wealth goes? 

You certainly spent a lot of time(and therefore money, power, and knowledge) thinking of your so called brilliant plan Rikkard. And all this for....a certain Miss Lillian Linton I see. 

Anyway, I am now in the process of striding at an efficient pace to the residence of a well known man in England. His name? Albert. 

Or more accurately, Prince Albert I suppose. The British Monarchy really must do away with insignificant titles such as these. A deplorable waste of my time, money, power and knowledge!

The Prince, who considers me a "generous, kind hearted fellow" is literally and figuratively wrapped around my little finger, and with a sly suggestion to him, I can control the fate of many people in England. Including Captain Carter I suppose. 

As I neared the gates of Buckingham Palace, I saw the guards tense at the sight of myself striding towards them quickly(and efficiently) and shot them a dark look through(slightly) narrowed eyes. 

"Halt Sir! Who are you and what business do you have with the royals?"

Ignoring the unworthy(and most likely lazy) guards, I confidently strode in as if I owned the place. Speaking of which, the Dutchess of Kent did owe me a rather large sum of money that she used to cover up some unsavory and underhanded dealings she partook in years ago. Hmmm if she doesn't pay up soon, I might have to collect soon...

Sending a cool glance over my shoulder, I briskly marched over to the the inner State Room to meet the foolish and malleable prince. Throwing the massive wooden doors open, I uttered two words and all eyes turned to me. 

"Prince Albert."

"Herr Rikkard Ambrose. It's so very nice to see you again. I cannot thank you enough for your generous donations to my German Orphanages."

I cracked a large unnatural smile with some difficulty and attempted to jovially say "Well my old friend I would love to catch up on old stories with you, if possible."

He agreed to my offer and asked me to follow him into a wastefully lavish inner room. 

"Herr Ambrose, what can I do for you?"

"I have a request to make old friend. You see, there has been one certain man in the military that has interfered with my affairs quite a few times recently..."

"I see Herr Ambrose. That is preposterous! I will send this man away at once my old friend!"

I bowed my head in thanks. There was a moment of silence until he asked "And the name of this man Herr Ambrose?"

The esteemed Captain James Carter, I wanted to say. But for some infathomable reason, I could not get the words out past my granite lips as images of Lillian's tear-streaked face kept popping up in my mind. If I sent him away, how would she react? She truly seemed to like this man's company. The thought of Lillian crying for some reason started a twisting feeling in my stomach.  

But I had to do this; this man was attempting to seduce Lillian away from me. I could not let that happen. 

But this-this was not the right way. I had played dirty in all my other affairs, but this time I wanted my victory to be absolute, clean, and deserved in every way. I made up my mind. 

I would win Lillian Linton the fair way. 

Since when have you been worried about the fair way Rikkard? You're going soft...all because of a certain private secretary of yours. 

I was not going soft. I was Mr Rikkard Ambrose, well known miser with a heart of stone. Nothing could turn me soft. 

"Herr Ambrose? I asked you the name of this detestable man?"

"Nothing Prince Albert. I will take your leave now"

With a curt farewell I turned on my heel and stormed out of the room. My secretary who up till now had taken up all space inside my head during days and nights had now begun to change my core personality. There was no changing it however; I was in too deep. This was one storm I could not escape no matter what. 

And strangely enough...I didn't wish to escape it. 

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