Ambrosial Waste Disposal Squad

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I was crouched in a leafy green bush and sending freezing glares and death wishes towards a certain male that appeared to be infatuated with my ifrit. Key word of course being MINE. The daft captain wouldn't know what hit him when I'm done with him. I have activated the special branch of my Ambrosial Waste Disposal Squad; me. And as the single most capable man alive in the Western Hemisphere, this derisory Captain Larder was no match for me. I will win her hea-ahem protect my employees and this man will soon disappear so my assets can be taken care of properly. 

So Miss Linton is an asset now? Interesting...

I treat all my employees equally. None of my underlings are above the others. Especially not Mr Linton. She is in fact my least favorite employee. I reluctantly employee her as she seems to do an...adequate job at her secretarial duties occasionally. 

Indeed? Am I to assume you reluctantly press your lips to hers every fortnight or so also? Pure coincidence also that while you threaten to deduct from her paycheck almost every day, you don't have the heart to do so when payday comes? All pure happenstance of course. 

Indeed it is all just fortuity. Miss-ter Linton and I have no relation outside of regular employer-employee relations. Also, I deny any skin contact that may have occurred as it was all simply hallucinations caused by long office hours and warm blooded (fe)males. 

How do you explain the mark on your neck then Rikky? Did you fall? On your neck?

Ahem back to where I am right now. The Captain just took hold of Mr Linton's hand and placed a wet and surely disgusting kiss on it. I shudder at the thought of having that infernally determined and appalling man anywhere near myself. Or near my ifrit. 

The Captain is now walking Miss Linton back to her residence. Good riddance I say. She shouldn't be around that man at all. His deplorable qualities may seep into her and make her even more unbearable for me to have around. 

Unbearably attractive? Yes I quite agree.

Unbearably vexing of course. What else could she be? It's not as if I have any plans to remain with her in the future, travel, settle down, destroy rivals, marry and procreate. No plans whatsoever. 

You convinced me Rikkard. I believe you completely. It's not as if you spent a large quantity of your time(and therefore knowledge, money, and power) thinking of future possibilities with your very male secretary. Of course not. 

Ah that meddling Captain has finally left Miss Linton at her door. Now it is time for me to follow him and strike him down so he may never meddle in my affairs-

Affairs huh...

-or business dealings again. 

I followed the poor excuse for a man down the street. What could Lillian see in him? I was a thousand times better than him. I was the taller, stronger, handsome, wealthier, more charming, and charismatic of the two of us. Not to mention the fact that I clearly was a better conversationalist than him. Yes, I am his better in every way, and that is blatantly obvious. 

He began walking through the busy streets of London until he neared a small dank alleyway. Ah here is my chance. I crept up behind him(in a dignified manner of course) and put my new walking cane next to his neck. The special thing about this cane was that it had a hidden knife feature inside that would pop out whenever I required it. This of course being one of those times. 

I had not however counted on the fact that he ahem had some reflexes and adequate skills from being in the British army and the imbecile began to white back. The struggle managed to drag on for more than five minutes until both of us jumped away with a few injuries(he of course being the more injured, as I never lose a fight). The boy of a captain had however managed to both break my new custom made cane, and get in a few adequate shots at my priceless carved face. 

You didn't win lad.  Face it. 'Twas more of a tie I would say. 

Of course I won. I was Rikkard Ambrose. I never lost. Ever. 

"Twas a good fight mate. May I now enquire-politely of course- why you plan on severing my neck from my body?"

I stared at the creature in front of me with a modicum of confusion and much derision but he stared back- with a SPARKLE in his eye! Was this man mad? Was he not terrified for his life? I had just unleashed the strength of the special Ambrosial Waste Disposal Squad on him. And yet he did not seem even apprehensive at the very least. 

Regular methods of intimidation had not worked. Even my never failing method of assassination had...not succeeded. I needed a new plan and I needed it fast. 

Rikkard Ambrose never has failed. This weakling will not be the cause of my first failiure. 

I glared at the Captain in disgust and anger-

Anger for what? Possibly courting Miss Linton?

Anger for rendezvousing with my employees of course. 

So if Mr Stone suddenly became acquaintances with this would react exactly the same?

Of course I would. All my employees are exactly the same worth to me mentally. 

Though some are more equal than others...cough cough Miss Linton

Nonsense. I do not harbor any...feelings for that ifrit. 

People you are indifferent towards generally don't have nicknames...

I really detest this vexing voice inside my head. It strangely sounds like Mr Linton. 

Love you Dick. 

Shooting one last death glare at the beaten up Captain, I limped away(gracefully) and went back to my abode to plan my next plan to get rid of this cockroach so he would not stand in my way. 

Stand in the way to what? Marrying Miss Lint-

Stand in the way to protecting my employees of course. What else could it be? I am only doing this to increase productivity.  

Authors Note

Omg I'm so excited for tomorrow's update😱

Silence is Golden is honestly too intense for me. I can't even process it anymore😍

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