Cuddling and Comfort

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Rikkard woke up several time during the night to expunge the contents of his stomachs. Each time he was led to and from the bathroom by a pair of soft, comforting hands and pushed down gently on the mattress to keep sleeping. 

He mentally knew that someone was there caring for him, but his alcohol addled brain could not connect the dots and did not realize who was there helping him through his moments of weakness. 

Hours Later...

Mr Ambrose awoke to the glare of harsh sunlight in his eyes and a severe headache. What had happened last night? His head was pounding and he felt sick. 

He tried to get up to get dressed, but was blocked by a weight in his chest. 

There was someone on him. 

Lillian Linton lay sprawled over HIM snoring softly and snuggling close to his chest. 

Bloody hell. 

Just as he was planning on a way to disentangle himself in a non-awkward manner, he felt her stir on his chest. Her large and luminous chocolate brown eyes blinked open and looked at him sleepily. 

"How do you feel?" She mumbled, obviously still half asleep. 

He coughed awkwardly and mumbled "Fine. Thank You."

Just then, she seemed to realize that she was in fact lying on a man's chest. And not any man, she was lying peacefully on Rikkard Ambrose's chest. 

With a rather shrill screech she jumped off him and turned bright red. 

Seeking to rescue both of them from the situation at hand, Rikkard strode past her into his private bathroom.

When he came back after exactly 3 minutes and 34 seconds of a very cold shower, he found her sitting on the guest chair in his office in nothing but a loose white shirt over her undergarments. 

He gulped uncomfortably; her state of undress combined with his still slightly alcohol-addled brain did not bode well for either of them. 

She looked up at him and took a deep breath and said quickly "IdontwanttomarryhimbutIhavetobecauseyoudontlikemeandifIdontpickhimmyauntwillmarrymeofftosomeoldsonofabachelor"

"Excuse me Mr Linton?"

"I don't want to marry him Mr Ambrose, but I have to."

"Why is that? I can easily dispose of him if you wish."

"Because I care for him as a friend Dick-"

"What did you call me?!"

"Ahem Dick-"

"Respect Mr Linton."

"-is a very good friend and I still want him in my life. I just don't necessarily want to marry him because I don't see him in that way. Besides, what are the odds of some other man actually respecting me and enjoying my real personality? Atleast he wouldn't force me to be some overly feminine housewife with no willpower."

"More likely than you think Miss Linton."

"What did you call me sir?" 

"Ahem Mr Linton, don't deny the fact that you have numerous suitors."

Rikkard mumbled "After all, I would know...I am the one disposing of them quickly and efficiently."

"What was that sir?"

"None of your concern Mr Linton."

"Anyway, he is the best option I have as of now...and atleast I know he will respect me and treat me well...which is more than what I can say for any of my other suitors. Remember Mr Ellingham?" She shuddered "He was perhaps one of the worst."

I spoke quickly without any heed for what I was actually saying 

"What if there was a third option Miss Linton?"

"What? How?"

"Why did you come here last night to my office Mr Linton? Why so late? You should have been celebrating your engagement with the Captain."I spoke the word bitterly. After all, I had never despised anyone(even Lord Dalgleish) as much as I did the Captain. 

"I came because...because I was worried for you sir. You didn't seem very happy last night when you left the ball so I felt that I should come after you to make sure you were ok. After all sir, you are my employer-" She cracked a cheeky grin -"and if you don't give me my paycheck, who will?" 

His head was spinning; partly because of intoxication, and partly because of her profound words. He made a decision. He was going to do it; he was going to take the leap. He knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her next to him, and this was the step he had to take to make it happen. No matter the risk, he knew that she had wormed her way into his(nearly) impenetrable heart and was lodged there to stay.

He took a deep breath and said the six words that would change his life forever. 

"Miss Linton...will you Marry Me?"

Authors Note: whoohoo he proposed to her! I'm so proud of Rikky for actually admitting his feelings out loud. But wait; Lilly is already engaged to Captain Carter! What's she gonna do about her lovestruck friend? Can't break his heart...

As always, thanks for reading and please leave a comment and/or vote if you enjoyed this chapter🤗

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