The Thorn in My Side

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That immensely irritating man refused to leave MY ifrit alone. Almost every evening I would see him march up to her front door with a nauseating and self satisfied smirk on his face, when Lillian would open the door and immediately smile a genuine, happy smile and then both would proceed to take a stroll(standing suspiciously close to each other) around the park. EVERY DAY.

It was simply a recreational space full of greenery and a few old benches. What was there to see everyday?

Why would you care Rikkard? What she does on her time off is none of your business.

Of course it is my business. I'm in nearly every business imaginable remember? Surely this falls under the realm of one of my numerous businesses.

Now back to the plan; I had to get rid of this thorn in my side. How I would do it however was still yet to be decided. This man was insanely stubborn and refused to fall prey to my usual methods of Waste Disposal. No, I would have to do something special, something extra, something never done before in my personal history.

I would have to woo Miss Linton and make it so Captain James Carter was irrecoverably heart broken(once he was rejected in favor of myself by Miss Linton of course).

Hmm someone has On their stony face at the thought of wooing that female in trousers.

Never. I am simply doing what is neccesary to make sure all my businesses are running smoothly.

You are the one hiding in a small, leafy, green bush in front of her house, sending death glares at whoever decides to walk up to her front door- be it the mailman, a lady, or a suitor.

Because she's MI- ahem because I must keep an eye on my employees to make sure they behave well out of work hours.

Either way, I have a plan in place. Now it time to put into action; I will woo Miss Linton and personally destroy this Captain until his obvious desires to defile my secretary would crumble into the ground to never be seen again.

With adequately content thoughts of destroying Captain Ardor I strolled back(at a brisk and efficient pace of course) to Empire House to prepare for this evening-the beginning of my plan.

One hour later...

I looked positively irresistible in my new Tailcoat and Trousers(purchased only a short five years ago); Miss Linton wouldn't know what hit her. Bah, that miserable excuse for a man would be gone in no time.

I confidently walked up to Miss Linton's door step and rung the bell.

A short, plump woman with small, beady, beatle-like eyes opened the door and gasped.

"Lord Ambrose? What a pleasant surprise; which of my nieces are you interested in my Lord? Ella the youngest? Anne and Maria the well mannered twins? Gertrude the ladylike?"

"My name is Mr Ambrose. Mr." I replied with clenched teeth. This woman was driving me insane already. I cannot fathom how Lillian was related to her.

"I wish to see your eldest niece Lillian."

The woman gasped and turned around after shooting me a greedy look; of course she wanted my money. What else would a woman want from me?

Not Lillian; she actually wants to work for the money unlike the rest of them.

Yes but...Lillian was a...special circumstance.

"Lillian Darling! Come down, my favorite niece! There is a very suitable man waiting for you!"

Lillian trudged down and warily shot her aunt a reproaching look. Then she slowly turned around to meet my own stormy eyes. Her eyes widened and instantly I saw the fire that was normally there blaze back with a vengeance.

"Mr Ambrose sir? What are you here for?"

"Be polite my darling niece. This VERY eligible man is here to court you of course."

"Indeed Miss Linton. I have fallen passionately in love with your soft spokenness, delicate feminine grace and kindness." I said in a monotonous tone.

She raised an eyebrow and then discreetely grinned at me. I could almost feel her sending messages to me mentally. What are you doing here? Passionately in love with me hmm? Very believable indeed.

"Lord Ambrose-"

"Mister. Mister Ambrose."

"-has just arrived at our humble residence, my sweet niece. Why don't you join him on a pleasant stroll around the park? I have heard that it is particularly...romantic there at this hour."

"No thank you, my dear aunt. I would rather not subject myself to his personable and cheerful self. Goodbye and Goodnight Mr Ambrose. Besides, I have a walk in the Captain planned for this evening remember?"

Gah, that blasted man had managed to interfere once more. He was truly the most irritating slug I had ever had the displeasure of meeting.

"I then hope you will give me the pleasure of having your company tomorrow evening Miss Linton. Good bye." I shot her a pointed look which she returned tenfold.

This man was truly biggest and most vexing thorn in my side. I had to get rid of him; sooner, rather than later.

Miss Linton...would be MINE.

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