Captain Ardor

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That asinine captain had his arms around MY secretary. Sh-HE is mine and can only be used by ME because....because only I give him his monthly wages. Not that daft man in the piddling army uniform; A uniform that HIS private secretary seemed to appreciate very much.

The only man that MY secretary should be appreciating was myself. And what was not to appreciate about me? I was handsome, practical, affluent, and incredibly charming. I was myself and any female should therefore be infatuated with me instantly.

And every female was. Infatuated with me I mean.

Every female Rikky dear? I can think of one notable exception to that rule of yours known simply by the name ifrit.

Well he wasn't exactly female was he? That ifrit was the most loud mouthed, strongheaded, fiery, beautiful, passionate person I knew. Traits that everyone including myself would think would irk me. But strangely, I hardly felt time passing by at all when I was in her company. I could have frozen in time with her in my arms and my former priority, business, could have melted away for all I care.

Rikky and Lilly sitting in a tree-

Not a tree exactly. More of a cold office room against one of the brick and stone walls of workspace.

So you DO admit it?

Admit what? All I admitted was that she was working for me. Hardly scandalous I believe.

Working is all you do in that room? Are you completely sure about that Rick-or should I say DICK?

Anyway back to the point. That Captain Larder or whatever his foul name was, had his puny arms around MY Lillian.

Since when was she yours? She hasn't been courted by you now has she? She is, to put it colloquially, up for grabs-

Shaking myself out of my thoughts, I stride towards Miss Linton and her detestable dance partner and pointedly asked for a dance with a cold glare at her companion.

"Miss Linton, would you do me the honor of a dance?"

"No. "

"Excuse me?"

She nodded magnanimously and said "You are excused Mr Ambrose. You may go now."

How dare she reject me? I was the most eligible bachelor in the entire ballroom and she was picking some military chap with a ridiculous speck of a beard over me.

I quickly made up my mind that I had to get her away from this boy and without paying any heed to her protests, dragged her onto the floor where the music for the quadrille started playing.

"What do you want from me sir?"

"Stay away from that man Mr Linton."

She replied asking why she should. After all, it was after work hours and she therefore had no responsibility to follow my instructions.

Why do you want her to stay away from him hmm? Is it because you Lo-

"No!" I cried out loud suddenly.

She looked at me quizzically and asked "Everything alright sir? You still haven't answered my question Mr Ambrose sir."

"Because I said so Mr Linton. Stop bothering me and leave me to my thoughts."

"If I may remind you are the one who forced me to dance with you instead of my friend Captain Carter over there. If you don't wish me to be in your presence, simply let go and I will walk over there to my friend and spend the rest of the evening happily"

"Stay here. You are mine. MINE. Do you understand? Don't let that man near you. He may be...a...a spy for Lord Dalgleish or one of my many enemies."

Her eyes started flaming and with irritation and a suspicious amount of defensiveness she said "Impossible sir. He is my friend. And a very close friend at that."

My thoughts spiraled deeper and deeper. Were she and this man...secret lovers? Mental images of them taking walks in the park and holding hands passed by in a whirlwind followed by pictures of them wedding, buying a home, and having children.

I don't want her to have his children. I want her to have m-"

"Sir? Mr Ambrose SIR!"

Her voice shook me out of my contemplations. I narrowed my eyes at her in question of what she wanted now. Surely she wasn't going take my leave to go dance with her secret lover?

"Sir, the dance is over. Do you plan on standing here all evening or may I go back to the refreshments table-"

Where her secret lover is standing in wait for her...

"-as I need more of that divine Chocolate?"


"Excuse me Sir?"

"No Mr Linton. You are not excused. You will remain here(with me) until I deem it safe for you to leave my presence."

I leaned closer to her until mere inches separated us and growled "Do you understand me Miss Linton?"

As my hot breath fanned her cheeks, her eyelids fluttered closed and she almost unconsciously moved closer to me.

"Do you understand Miss Linton?"

"Wha- yes sir. Whatever you say sir." She was slightly swaying from side to side and looked almost...drunk.

"Very well Mr Linton."

We swayed and moved as the next dance opened. As the closing notes of the waltz began to play, I felt a presence to our side.

"May I cut in sir? Miss Linton, would you do me the honor of a dance?"

Captain Slumber was about to slumber all right; eternal slumber! I glared at him with the iciest glare in my arsenal but somehow this male seemed unperturbed and continued laying his filthy gaze over Miss Linton. She was mine. Didn't everybody know that by now?

I don't see a ring on her finger Rikky...she isn't anybody's so far. Free game for all in essence.

She seemed to wake up from a trance like state and slowly turned and asked the fool to repeat himself. She replied in the affirmative and with an almost yearning look, she removed herself from grasp and went to join him in that appalling jumping dance that all the youth seemed to favor.

The second her soft hands left my shoulders, my body burned and turned frigid all at once. What was this terrible feeling? This tugging in my stomach? This feeling of lonelyness and uncomfortable cold that permeated my entire body?

As I watched her leave me with an apologetic look, I cursed Captain Lover Boy to the deepest depths of hell. Lillian Linton was MINE and none were allowed to touch her. Except me of course.

It was time to activate the special division of the Ambrosial Waste Disposal Squad; Me.

Captain Ardor will be vanquished.

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