Enemies and Friends

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My sworn business rival and nemesis, Lord Eugene Dalgleish sauntered in with a confident and attractive smile on his face and scanned the room for familiar faces and people he needed to see. When his probing gaze landed on myself he stiffened slightly and the temperature in the ballroom seemed to decrease a few degrees. Then his gaze slid to the young woman near me, Miss Linton. He looked at her, then at me, and then seemed to make up his mind about something and shot me a pompous looking smirk. 

"Mr Ambrose sir? Lord Dalgleish is here."

"Indeed Mr Linton? I never would have noticed."

Just then I saw Lord Dalgleish approach us with his eyes trained on my Linton. He kneeled in front of her and asked her for a dance. Just as she was about to reply, I cut in and swiftly interjected "Miss Linton I do believe you owe me the honor of a dance? Come let's go."

Dalgleish glared at me with a fierce scowl marring his otherwise attractive visage. 

"Mr Ambrose sir? Let go of me at once you bloody son of a donkey. Now!"

I pulled her along until we were safely in the middle of the ballroom and hissed into her ear "Stop making a scene Mr Linton. I just rescued you from the clutches of Lord Dalgleish. You should be thanking me."

She huffed and glared at me some more while viciously stomping on my (mint condition) shoes. 

Bloody hell does that woman have feet? Or hooves? 

But she does feel rather nice-and warm- pressed up against you. Keeps the chilly darkness away, don't you think Rikky?

No she does not. I am only initiating this physical contact with her so as to maintain the strict employee-employer relationship we share. 

So you stood in the rain with your heart racing as she almost agreed to be another man's just to maintain a professional relationship? Riiight. 

Speaking of which, I really must inquire what her relationship with Captain Carter is. It is quite...concerning. 

With my mind made up to get the truth out of her, I asked "Mr Linton? What is your personal relationship with Captain Carter?"

She looked a bit confused and with a teasing glint in her eyes replied "He is my secret lover. Is it not obvious to you sir? I plan to marry him and bear him many brown haired children."

I felt my heart stop. Did she really love this man? Then why ask for more time when asked for her hand in marriage?

I was lost in thought when she tugged on my sleeve and said "Sir, you know I was joking right? Captain Carter is simply a friend and nothing more. I only have eyes for one certain male that I know of."

There was another man? Who? When? How? Was she really that popular with the men in town? How many men did I have to compete with for her hand? First Captain Carter, then Lord Dalgleish, and now this mystery man too? And worst of all, she sounded completely infatuated with him. There was a hidden fire and passion in her eyes when she spoke of him. Did all those office and desert osculations not mean anything to her?  

It's you, you dolt. She is speaking of you in that manner. 

Before I could continue this complicated thought process, I heard a loud bang echo through the hall as the grand doors flew open. 

I, along with all the guests in the ballroom turned expectantly to see who showed up late in this brash manner. 

And in walked a young man in an army uniform with a speckled beard on his chin. 

Captain Carter was here. 


Authors Note: Hey guys I'm finally back and I'm happy to report that my family member is now out of the hospital and doing well. So now I will get back to my regular updating schedule- yay!

Wow I was gone for a couple days and we're already at 1.5K reads? That's amazing! Thank you so much for all the support. 

Let's see if we can get to 1.6K by tomorrow?😉😏

If we do....I'll update TWICE tomorrow

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