Chapter 16

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After my talk with Bonnie, I headed downstairs to see Damon and Jeremy reading a letter. I hovered behind them and read it. "A party?" I sighed. Caroline really chooses the wrong times to pull parties.

"Well we have to go...Elena will be pissed if we don't." Damon placed the letter in the paper shredder and jumped up on the kitchen counter.

Jeremy stood with his arms crossed, a big frown covering his face. "What's wrong?" I lightly pushed him.

"It's just weird...why would Silas threaten you one minute then leave you alone for a bit then come after you again?" He answered, face puzzled.

"Because that's what people like him do...scare you, kill everyone you love, then kill you." Damon explained.

I gulped, "and you're obviously the expert." I raised an eyebrow and shook my head. "Why can't things just be normal? It's like our family is cursed."

Nobody even laughed because deep down it was true. We're cursed and we always will be. No wonder why I don't don't kids anymore.

"I'm going to go call Matt." I walked away from the kitchen and into my room.

*Phone Call*

"Maddy, I'm fine." Matt giggled before I could say a word.

Smiling, I sighed, "Just checking." I'm scared, I admitted to myself. "Please just come here? Damon can pick you up...and we could watch movies and eat junk food and try to be normal and safe." I pleaded down the phone.

He sighed through the phone, "I dunno Mads. Your brother seemed pissed earlier."

"That's what you're worried about?" I scoffed, "'s Jeremy!" I laughed.

"Yeah well I've seen how big his arms have got recently and I really don't feel like getting punched." He moaned. To be honesty, that was cute.


Matt gave in and let Damon pick him up and we all sat in the living room and put on a movie. Damon sort of hovered around the living room every once in a while and I guessed he was thinking of Stefan. I was too but there was nothing we could do until Silas tries to get to me again. Jeremy sat on a single arm chair and I laid against Matt on a 3 seater.

"Guys..." I straightened my body and I sat up, "I have a plan."

Jeremy sat up too and Damon stopped pacing the room to look me in the eyes while Matt slept peacefully next to me. Still looking Damon in the eyes, I continued, "A plan to get Stefan back."

Damon looked relieved, I guess he was trying to think of a plan too. "Okay..." he urged me to carry on.

" may not like it." I turned to my brother and he stared at me.

"No. No way." He stood up and shook his head. "You're not going to be bait, Mads!" I stepped toward him slightly and smiled soothingly.

"Jer, we have no choice." I looked up at Damon for help but he was silent.

"Damon, tell her she can't do it." Jeremy pleaded, but when Damon just looked up at me helplessly Jeremy shook his head. "Fine! We'll do it...but we will use me instead."

Bonnie appeared next to Matt on the sofa and me and Jer looked over toward her. "Don't you start too!" I moaned and looked to Damon who was confused.

"Okay? Crazies...who are you two looking at? Is it God or something?" He joked but was still serious as well.

"Guys, don't tell him. please." Bonnie stood up and went to reach for me but then retreated.

"I have to. I can't lie anymore, please don't make me." I stared at her face that seemed so alive, a year escaped my eye.

"Damon, It's Bonnie." A voice that wasn't mine spoke and I looked up to Jer, who was crying slightly, "She's dead."

Anger crossed Damon's face and he closed his eyes. "how long?" He asked.

Jeremy walked into the kitchen to speak to Bonnie while me, Damon and a sleeping Matt stayed in the living room.

"Damon." I tilted my head to the side and sobbed.

"How long, Maddison?" Damon was in front if me in a flash and hand his hands on my arms. It hurt.

I flinched and looked away from him, "Since Jeremy came back." I barely whispered.

With one last painful squeeze, Damon let go of my arms and I looked down at the red marks on them. Now I didn't know if I was crying for Bonnie or because of the pain.

"And it's just you two that know?" He urged, Pacing the room again.

"Yes." I said bluntly. "I wanted to tell Elena but-"

"But what?" He cut in. I hadn't seen him so pissed in a while.

I felt faint and needed to sit down but all I could think of was how Damon was staring at me with sad eyes and I just wanted to hug him. But why? She was my friend...not his. I gulped and put a blanket over Matt then laid next to him.

I haven't updated this in AGES so don't shoot me if I'm a bit rusty on the old story. There is so many ways I could write this but I just don't know how because I don't want to follow the story line of the actual show but I don't know how else to put it... Grrrr. So frustrating, anyway if you have any ideas please tell me. Any help would be great. Thanks.

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