C10: Supernatural

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For the second day in a row, we sat down and marathoned Supernatural again...

Not that I minded. At all.

There was something so oddly familiar about sitting down and watching this with him, it made me feel like I was a kid again.

The way we would comment on scenes, or bicker about the characters, or even who got what side of the couch sometimes...

But it didn't matter, nothing did, and that was great.

By the end of the day we got to the end of season 2, which was a new record for how long we could sit on a couch and eat nothing but junk.

"I like this Dean guy." I said after finishing a bowl of noodles I made two hours ago.

"Why? Sam is cuter." He responded almost repulsed.

"Yeah Sam is cute, but Dean is hot."

"Uh Sam can be hot too."

"But Dean..."

"But Sam..."

Woah woah wait. We're we really just fighting over two guys?

I turned to bitchface him, but I was greeted with a cheesy grin.

"See there you go looking like Dean." I sighed.

"Wait what?! I look like Dean?"

"Nope." I whispered smiling as I pressed play on the remote. It took me a day, but I finally learned all the buttons.

"But wait if I look like Dean, then that makes you who?" He questioned.

"Sssssshhhhh I'm trying to watch the show."

"Wow that was a long shh there."

"Shut up or else..."

"Or else what?" He tempted with a smile.

"Steven Grant Rogers I swear to god I will shut this off and ignore you all night!"

"No no please! I'll stop I'll stop!"

"You better." I whispered turning back to the screen.

I watched the show intently, but Steve was shifting around on his side of the couch, which was the right since I fought him for the left.

"I'm cold." He shifted again.

"Well then go get another blanket." I said clinging on to the one on my side.

"But it's so far awaaaaay..."

I paused and glanced at him. "Really."

He shrugged his shoulders.

"Maybe if I had the left side of the couch it wouldn't be a problem."

"Oh now your just being a pain in the ass." I rolled my eyes hitting play again.

He frowned defeated and eventually just watched the show in silence.

Steve had his arms crossed over his chest and his knees pulled up so he looked like a ball in his little couch corner.

When did he turn into such a big child?

I sighed, getting up to get a drink of water.

He looked up at me as I walked away.

"Don't touch my blanket Steven."

He rolled his eyes looking back at the tv.

By the time I sat back down with my water, Steve had laid his feet out to the side and had his head resting against the arm of the couch. He left me very little space to sit down, but I didn't have the energy to complain, or even care.

I curled my blanket around my shoulders and sipped my water. Lose strands of hair were falling in my face from not being tamed all day, so I pushed them back behind my ears. All though my eyes were heavy, I kept them strictly open, a trick I used on previous missions where sleep wasn't an option. One of the only things I'd learned from Hydra that actually came in handy.

I was perfectly content, until a foot kicked me. Steve's of course.

I looked over to where his hair was messy around the edges of his face, a face that didn't move except for the small intakes of breath.

His blue eyes were hidden under a mask of darkness.

He's asleep. I smiled.

I reached down for the remote and flicked the tv off. He shuffled around due to the new found lack of noise and fell back to sleep facing the other side of the couch.

Quietly, I got up and set the remote and water glass down on the only small table in the room.

Still clinging to my blanket, I knelt down beside him on the floor and set up a place for me to sleep. My head fell hardly against the floor as I attempted to lay down.


I was just starting to get comfortable when...

"I'm cold." Steve's whining echoed in my head.

I sighed lifting the blanket from my shoulders and pulling it over him on the couch.

"Damn you Steve."

But he looked so cute.




Frustrated I got up and walked over to Steve's room to get another blanket for myself, and hey maybe even a pillow.

When I walked in, it was dark, but I stumbled over to the end of his bed and pulled the spare blanket off before I used the bedding to trace my way towards the pillows at the top.

Pulling the blanket under my arm, and grabbing a pillow, I managed my way back out of his room and into mine... well the living room.

I dropped the stuff on the floor and plopped down on top of it, wrapping myself in the blanket and burying my head into the pillows soft fabric.

It all smelled like Steve.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

Almost 100 years goes by, and he still smells like the same Steve.

My Steve.

I smiled and drew the blanket up towards my face as my eyes fluttered shut.

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