C27: Pizza

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I've always liked the color blue.

I've also always liked Steve.

I guess it's not really a shock that I like Steve in the color blue...

But some days he just looks so... good.

Like wow.

Look at him.

"Bucky." I feel a slap to the back of my head breaking me out of my trance, and as I scowl a little to myself, I turn to face Natasha.

"What? What do you want? I'm busy." I say rubbing the back of my neck.

"Uh huh okay." She says stepping around me to get her phone from off the counter.

"Are you just gonna stare at Steve all day or do we have actual plans?"

"I wasn't staring at Steve. I was looking out the window."

"Alright, well when you're done looking out the window, do you want to join me for lunch?"

"Oooh lunch?" Steve pipes in from across the room.

"Yeah I was thinking of hitting that pizza place down the street."

"I'm in."

"Uh yeah I'm coming too." I say grabbing my phone from the counter right next to where Natasha's was sitting 5 minutes ago.

"Huh really? I thought you were busy?" Natasha taunts me while Steve puts on a jacket.

"Whatever." I grumble back to her.


We walked to this little place downtown that I've seen a few times on our way to Kafe. I've always thought of stopping by, but I never had the courage to go anywhere in public without Steve. I don't really know why I'm like that... from what I can remember about being a kid, or a teenager for that matter, I was always the one dragging us through crowds, or going to the newest expo, or fair, or whatever was out there while Steve hid behind me sheepishly hoping not to step foot in the wrong place. These days it seems like that's the polar opposite. Now its me cowering behind Steve's shoulder as he tries to pull me out of my comfort zone and live a little, but it's harder now... and I'm not really sure why.

Natasha was sitting in the booth across from me, but of course she wasn't directly in front of me, more like adjacent to me so she could sit in front of Steve. Steve, as to be expected, was sitting right next to me...not that I minded...at all, but whenever he was sitting next to me, he was also sitting directly across from her...

Why am I explaining this in such detail?


We were at lunch.

Steve, per usual, got the most American pizza he could've gotten. I mean it was honestly named: The American Pizza. I'm not really sure what was on it, but since I just eat whatever Steve gets, I shut up and ate it anyways.

Natasha got some sub with some stuff on it that she ate some of, but I obviously didn't really pay attention.

Which leads to our next topic:

The overwhelming need to have something to talk about so it wouldn't be awkward... because damn I felt awkward.

"So uh Natasha is that uh food any ummm good?" I mumbled between bites.

She laughed a little with food still in her mouth which concerned me that she was going to end up choking, but instead she responded

"Good Bucky, how's yours?"

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