C32: Hurry

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"Steve?!" I dropped the phone from my face and ran towards the noise.

I could barely see where I was going, yet I just followed the noise blindly, praying I didn't trip over something.

My heart was racing.

Where was he?

Why was his phone up here?

What if something happened to him?

"Steve damnit answer me!" I screamed, running towards the ringer.

I reached the end of the building and the last thing that I saw was a furnace.

But the phone kept ringing.

I panicked and started to look around the sides of the furnace when I saw the illuminated screen of his phone, and holding on to it was a bloody hand.

"Steve! Oh my god." I rushed over to the hand, and turned to see him lying up against the back of the edge of the furnace.

I knelt down to the body, shaking in terror. His face was scratched up, the gashes of dry blood covering his cheekbones. I noticed that he wasn't wearing his jacket from earlier, and instead it was balled up in the center of his torso being held up by his left hand. His eyes were shut and his head was leaning over towards his shoulder, a sign that made me panic.

"Steve?!" I reached out to the jacket and removed it from the area he was holding it in.

The shirt behind it was covered in blood, all centered around a large gash in his abdomen that looked fatal for a normal human being.

"Bucky what's going on?" Natasha called out from somewhere on the other side.

"No, no, no, no. Fuck." I mumbled putting the jacket back and reaching out for his face.

"Steve! Open your eyes, damnit!" I yelled resting my hand along his cheekbone.

I felt the muscles in his face tense up from my touch. Then his eyelids fluttered, and closed again.

"Steve? Can you hear me?" I said removing my hand from his face and putting it down on his shoulder instead.

"Yeah..." He barely whispered, using all of his energy to open his lips.

"Just hang in there, okay? You're gonna be just fine, I'm taking you inside."

"No..." He muttered, stifling his breath.

"Bucky?" I heard Natasha's voice as it sounded like she was getting closer.

I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and then looped the other underneath his knees. I eased him up off the concrete and as I did he sharply inhaled, his face crossed with pain.

"Shhh. I'm sorry." I whispered down to him as I watched a tear fall down his cheek.

"Oh my god what happened to him?!" Natasha yelled getting closer to him in my arms.

"Move." I demanded, walking forwards with him in my arms.

"Holy shit. Is he..."

"GET OUT OF MY FUCKING WAY NATASHA." I yelled, causing her to jump back a little.

"Sorry." She held her hands up and followed behind me across the roof.

"Buck... no..." I barely heard him mumble in my arms.

"Shhh save your energy."

"We can't..." he grimaced in pain as a gust of wind hit both of us.

"Can't what?" Natasha piped in from behind me.


"Stop talking Stevie please. You're just hurting yourself."

Natasha rushed in front of me and opened back up the door from the staircase we came up in earlier.

I entered the dark stairwell using my feet extra cautiously to find each step, while also rushing to get to our floor as soon as possible.

"Natasha. In my right pocket there's a key to our apartment. Get it out." I mumbled turning another corner to end another flight.

As we walked down the next set, she slid her hand into my pocket and grabbed the only thing in there, pulling it out with the jingle of metal on metal.

She opened the door to our floor, and I followed her out of the staircase and into the hallway lined with room numbers.

We rushed through the dimly lit hallway until we reached the end.

She fumbled with the keys and hurried to unlock the door.

"Don't..." Steve mumbled as loud as he could.

I heard him but didn't care and so I pushed through the door behind Natasha.

And there in our living room stood the Hydra agent.

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