C36: Good

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"I'm sorry but that was a stupid ass move." I pointed at the tv with the remote as Steve came back into the room with the cups of water I asked for.

"What happened?"

"Who goes into the room where they know the monster is? Dumbasses."

"Buck... this is Supernatural. If they're in the first five minutes of course they're going to be a dumbass, that's how the case even begins..."

"Whatever." I grumbled taking the blue cup he handed out to me. "Just saying maybe these kids should get a 'dont follow the creepy noise you might die 101' class in high school."

Steve laughed as he sat down beside me, placing his cup down on the side table next to the couch.

He curled up against my side, leaning his head over onto my shoulder as he blew a piece of hair away from his face.

"Would you have taken that class?" He glanced up at me.

"No because I'm not an idiot."

"You sure? You tend to follow me right into danger... only dumbasses do that."

"Or people who don't want the person they love to die." I muttered quietly.

He didn't say anything after that. Maybe because he finally understood. Maybe he understood why I was always there. Why I always stayed when everyone else ran. Why I followed him around, protecting him, until what I thought was the day I died. Maybe he understood it too. Maybe that's why he turned his back on his friends when staying with them was the logical thing to do. Maybe that's why he came after me, after all those years. Maybe that's why he tried so hard to protect me. Because I'd spent my whole life protecting him.

"You know what?" He said sitting up from off my shoulder.

"What?" I whispered.

He reached over to my hand and pressed pause on the remote.

"It has been so long that we have ever just... relaxed... I've forgotten what it even feels like."

"Well there's been a lot going on."

"Yeah I guess there has." He sighed.

"Do you think Natasha will come back?" I looked over to him.

He shook his head.

"Nah. She can take care of herself."

I nodded and looked down at the floor.


"Yeah?" He faced me.

I looked into his eyes, which were staring back at mine, the beautiful ocean that his soul created.

"Please never leave me." I whispered.

He raised a hand behind the back of my head, pulling me into his. I felt his fingers as they buried under strands of my hair, leaving me closer to his touch. Our foreheads touched, our noses and then our lips following. His lips were smooth and soft against mine that were most likely dry knowing my current state. His other hand wrapped its way around my neck, and I followed his motion, urging me down into the couch. I felt his body weight on top of me as his hair, which he's been letting grow out, fell onto my forehead. I smiled as he swiped it behind his ear, and watched as it fell back down again. He laughed for a second, met with another kiss as I rose my mouth to his. He pulled back as he maintained eye contact with me.

Looking up at him was such a different feeling. I've been looking down at him all my life.

"I'm not leaving." He whispered, smiling as he moved his knees up so that he straddled me instead of sitting at my side.

"I can see that." I reached my arms up and pulled his face back down into mine, letting his hands move down to my shoulders.

He pulled his face back, only an inch away from my face, and then smiled as he pushed our foreheads together.


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