C29: Hide

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"Abooooout timeee..." I heard Natasha draw out as we walked back into the apartment.

Steve closed the door behind us and threw his keys down on the table. I watched the keys fall onto the surface and then I looked at what was beside them.

There was a black and white picture that I hadn't noticed before, sitting at the corner of the table.

"So what'd you make for breakfast?" Steve continued walking away.

"Hah you wish I could cook." Nat retorted back.

I slipped my shoes off of my feet and slid them under the table, and then picked up the old picture from the corner.

Independence Day '30 was written on the bottom in what looked like a woman's neat cursive handwriting.

In the picture there were 5 kids. One short skinny blonde boy hanging on the back of the taller brunette, which I automatically assumed was me and steve. And next to me was a littler blonde girl with a bow in her hair, smiling up at us. Holding both of her hands, were two very small children, a boy and a girl, maybe three or four, that were looking off in random directions. And in the background was fair vendors and a few old cars.

"Steve?" I mumbled, looking up from the picture.

"Hmm?" He said looking back from the counter.

"What... uh... what is this?" I said holding up the picture.

"Oh! I found that the other day, thought you might want to see it, I just forgot to show you."

"Is that... are those two down there the twins? Alex and Anna?"

"Yeah yeah that's Alex on the left and Anna on the right, they're both in front of Caroline."

"I remember them." I whispered nodding.

"Do you remember me?" Natasha said from behind the counter.

I paused. Did I want to tell the truth? That this whole time I had been getting pieces of her back? Was I ready for that? Was I ready for her to grill me about it?


"Wait what?" She said setting her cup down on the counter.

"I do, but I don't want to talk about it." I said looking over at her.


I looked back down at the picture. Everyone looked so happy. Steve was smiling, I was smiling, Caroline was smiling, and who knows what the hell the twins were doing. But we all looked content. I wanted to see another Barnes smile again.

"Hey guys?" I looked up, glaring into the kitchen where the two were standing side by side.


"Can we go see Jamie?"

They looked at each other and then back to me.

"Sure why not?" Steve answered shrugging his shoulders.

"You guys go on. I'll meet you up there. I need to take a shower pronto." Natasha said walking into Steve's room.

"Okay." I smiled, grabbing the keys back up off the table.


"Ah if it isn't my otp coming to get coffee again!" I heard Jamie call from behind the counter.

"Hi Jamieeee." Steve said back.

"I still don't know what otp means." I muttered approaching the counter.

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