C12: Stevie

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When I woke up, the clock said 9:30, but telling by the dark outside the window I assumed it was night not morning.

I shifted over in the bed to face the wall towards Steve's bathroom...

Wait what?

Why am I in his bed in the middle of the evening?

"Steve?" I called out into his empty room.

No reply.


I heard steps from the living room near the open doorway, followed by an exhausted Steve entering his room, turning on the light.

"Hey Buck. You okay?" He rushed out worriedly, coming closer into the room.

"I...uh... why am I on your bed?"

His face shifted to a more relaxed look as his mouth made an 'oh.'

"Don't you remember what happened?" He said carefully.

I searched my brain for what was going on... I don't remember ending up in Steve's room? The last thing I remember was... the park. Oh...

"Um I remember running, I was panicking actually, and then I remember you coming... and then we were walking home... and then it stops."

Why did it stop?

"Do you remember why it stops? What happened?"

"I...I don't know." I mumbled.

"We were standing in the kitchen after I got you home, and then I went to go wash our cups from earlier when you fell."

"I fell?"

"Well more like passed out. I couldn't get you to wake up, so I carried you in here." He continued.

A smile crept across my face.

"You carried me?"

"Well I wasn't going to leave you on the floor."

"You could've."

"Yeah but no." He retorted

"Just saying..."

"You know someday you're going to learn how to say thank you." He rolled his eyes.

"Thanks Stevie."

"You're welco... wait what did you just say?"


"No after that..."


"You haven't said that since we were kids." He deadpanned, almost looking scared.

"Oh...um sorry?"

"No no don't be sorry. I love it...I just... its been awhile." He slowly smiled.

"Yeah I know." I smiled.

But then I remembered earlier, and that smile dropped quick. I took a deep breath and rounded up my thoughts about him, so as not to have another panic attack, and instead settled on a pained smile.

"What? What is it?"

"Nothing I just... remembered." I sighed.

"Remembered what?"

"Why I ran out earlier."

"Which was because..." he questioned.

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