C30: Blend In

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"Hey watch where you're going!" The red head I purposefully ran into said, pushing me off of her before looking up to see who I was.

She tilted her head over and raised her eyebrows.


"Act natural." I mumbled looking into her eyes.

She turned to the direction I was walking and pulled her jacket down to cover her hands.

"What's going on?" She started as we walked against the crowd of people on the sidewalk.

"Hydra." I turned to look down at her. "I spotted someone in the coffee shop. I can't remember his name, but I worked with him multiple times, he's bad news. Chances are he's probably working with the guy who's after you, orrrrrr... Hydra could finally be piecing itself back together and looking for me. Either way he's after one of us for sure."

She blew out a breath and closed her eyes.

"Well shit. What now? Where's Steve?"

"He went into town, he told me to take you somewhere like a park or something casual... you know... hide in plain sight."

"Alright well time for the usual then." She smirked looking up at me.

"We're not acting like a couple Natasha." I rolled my eyes.

"Best way to blend in is to look like normal people, you know that better than anyone..."

"I know..."

"So what are you hung up on?" She pried, talking slowly.

"You know what? Fine. Whatever." I said reaching down and hastily grabbing her hand.

"Don't enjoy it too much." She laughed shaking her head.

"I won't." I mumbled looking down at the sidewalk ahead.


"Steve missed a deadline." I sighed looking down at my phone.


"He's been texting me every half an hour. It's been 20 minutes since he was supposed to have texted me last."

"Well I'm sure he's okay." She crossed leg over the other on the green metal bench we were sitting on.

"I don't know Natasha..."

"Bucky. This is Steve we're talking about..."

"I don't care." I muttered hastily, looking out into the playground we were sitting near.

"Shit." Natasha hissed, drawing my attention over to her.


"He's here."

"Who is?"

"Would I say shit if it was Steve?" She rolled her eyes.

I slowly looked around until my eyes landed on the all too familiar enemy. His hair was hanging down in front of this face, perfectly blocking his view of me.

"I see him. Your 3 o'clock." I nodded.

"I do too. He's scanning the park."

I watched as his eyes went through the playground, smiling at the children and their parents.

A woman came up to him with her two children in her hands. I watched as his mouth moved:

'Oh I'm just looking for my son.' He smiled at her.

"Bucky. Look at me."

"What?" I whipped my head around to her.

"Kiss me now."


"Just like I told Steve, PDA makes people uncomfortable."

"I don't want to."

"Just pretend I'm Steve damnit he's looking our way."

And with that she pulled my head into hers and met me with a kiss. I felt the unnerving urge to pull away, but I knew she was right, so I let her do it. I may not want to, but if anyone knows how to avoid (or attract for that matter) eye contact it's Natasha. I watched out of the corner of my eye as our culprit turned away and continued his walk along the sidewalk. She pulled away, removing her hand from my neck and swiping her hair back behind her ear.

"Damn you Natasha." I muttered wiping my sleeve across my mouth.

"Did it work though? Yes. Did it make him uncomfortable? Yes. Did he look away? Yes."

"Yeah but it also made me uncomfortable!"

"I told you to think of Steve!"

I started to get up from the bench, standing up so we could begin our walk back to the apartment. It was getting late and Steve still hadn't texted me.

"Like that's gonna h... wait... why?" I said turning to her as she was catching up with me.

"Hmm. Oh... no apparent reason. It's not obvious or anything. It was a joke. Totally."



"What are you trying to say?"

"Well... you tell me."

I felt the blood rush up to my face as my heart began to race with the possibility that Natasha had it all figured out.

What are the chances?

What are the chances that Natasha knew about me and Steve? What are the chances that she's known the whole time and just been keeping quiet? What are the chances that she's known from the beginning?

Actually pretty damn good considering she's one of the best agents I've ever known.

"I... um... I don't know what you're talking about." I mumbled, letting the wind rush against my face as we started picking up the pace.

"Okay whatever be that way." She tossed her head away from me.

I tried to keep my mind off of it, but it clawed at my head, the feeling that Natasha knew everything even when I didn't know it myself sometimes.

Was it that obvious?

I thought we were hiding it pretty well.

But we won't be hiding anything at all if we don't find Steve soon.

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