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"Y/NN!" I heard Regina yell from the back of the bus and I turned around from outside.

"What?" I hissed trying to make sure she kept quiet so she wouldn't attract any runners or walkers.

"We only have two water bottles left!" She gasped and my eyes widened as I stopped walking.

"What?!" I grumbled and Brad sighed next to me.

"She obviously said we don't have enough water for-"

"Shut the hell up Brad I know what she said! But why the hell didn't anyone tell me before we got to ten bottles? There's fifteen of us!" I exclaimed and I Brad flinched as he got hit in the back by an empty can.

"Watch out!" He hissed at Dinah's brothers and they laughed at him while I walked onto the bus.

"Gina remember what I told you? If there's less than fifteen water bottles you have to tell me no matter what. How did you just find out there's only two left?" I asked calmly after all she was still a kid and she shrugged looking down.

"I don't know these things happen sometimes I just thought we were doing so good on supplies that no one would really notice and we'd get more." She shrugged and I sighed looking down at her as she fiddled with her fingers.

"And how's that working for you?" I asked with arms crossed and she sighed shaking her head.

"Not so good." She mumbled ashamed and I looked out of the window to see Dinah gathering everyone as some other group came along with automatic rifles.

"Stay right here and stay down make sure Seth doesn't make any sounds." I said and she nodded as she grabbed Seth and slid underneath the bus seats that were made into a bed/bunk.

I walked out of the bus with my rifle and walked up to my group as the group of guys came up to them.

"Oh aye we got a cute one." The guy that reminded me of a Brat doll said as he looked me up and down as I marched up to them.

"She has hair no thanks." The guy with striking blue eyes said and I frowned stepping in front of Dinah.

"What do you want?" I asked them and they chuckled.

"You're stealing our supplies what do you think we want? We got here first so why don't you and your little friends run off to whatever place you came from." Another white guy said with as he fixed his red SnapBack.

"Yeah! We don't even know what you are!" Some little twerp said with his spiked hair and perfect teeth.

"We're obviously human if we weren't we wouldn't even be talking we'd be trying to eat you." One of Dinah's brothers said and we agreed while I Austin and I started to walk to the shut down Walgreens; which was basically a regular store but with a pharmacy attached.

"Uh where the hell do you think you're going?" The brat doll looking guy said firmly and I chuckled with Austin as we stopped outside of the doors.

"It's obvious, now why don't you run off to whatever place you came from?" I copied him and Austin opened the door while he smiled sarcastically.

"Mah lady." He held the door open for me and I smirked before winking at Dinah which made her smile mischievously.

"Thank you kind sir." I went along with it and one of the guys in the group held up their rifle.

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