• F I F T E E N •

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"On the road again, hanging with my bitches and my friends." Dinah sang and Lauren joined.

"Nothing beats being on the road again."

"Those aren't the damn lyrics!" Normani yelled and Ally giggled as I drove the tour bus down a highway.

"Hey Y/NN? I think it's gonna start raining soon those clouds don't look too good." Hailee spoke softly and I nodded as Shawn looked at the map directing me.

"If it gets too bad I'll pull over but we have a plan to follow." I mumbled and she nodded before sitting on the couch with Ally.

"Alright it's gonna be tough going through the Sierra mountains in this big ass thing. So if you turn left at the next turn you'll go around them and we'll be in California maybe twenty minutes after ten o'clock." Shawn informed me and I knew I shouldn't go through tough mountains when it was storming along with this tour bus.

So I turned and almost ten minutes later we were being hit by big ass droplets of rain. The windshield wipers were on the highest speed and I wondered how Austin was doing back in the truck. The head lights were so dim that I almost couldn't see shit. I was afraid we'd crash again but luckily I could see about three to five feet away from the front.

It was moving a bit slow but it was for cautionary reasons- just because the people and the world went to shit didn't mean Mother Nature did too. I was mostly scared of the weather nowadays because there was no way to track it. A full fledge tornado could be coming after us and no one would know. That's what scared me the most.

Driving became much more tough when the wind picked up and the rain poured. The storm became stronger as we saw flashes of lightning here and there. It sucked that we didn't have radio because I would kill for something to distract me.

But at the moment I had more things to worry about- like the rumbling stomachs in this bus. I slowly started to step more on the gas pedal and I heard Shawn directing me as he sat beside me.

"Five bucks she gets a boner." I heard Dinah's voice say and I frowned before ignoring it.

"Like we have money to give." Hailee rolled her eyes and Normani giggled deeply.

Suddenly I felt someone's hands on my shoulders and they rubbed them deliciously causing me to groan. I heard Lauren's laugh as she pressed her mouth against my ear and I felt everything tense up.

"You okay? Relax." She smiled at me and I felt my heart explode while I relaxed my shoulders and she dug her thumbs into my back.

Sexy ass

She chuckled against the back of my head and I gulped before feeling a lot more nervous. I focused on the tattered wet road and shook my head at the obvious bet Dinah just made.

"You good? You're really tense." She whispered as I watched the road and I swallowed my saliva.

"Yeah I'm good." I mumbled and her hand trailed down my side till it rested on my thigh.

"Your legs hurt? You ran with me in your arms last night." She tugged my ear as her hand gripped my upper leg.

"U-Uh no not really I'm used to it." I mumbled trying to stop her from going any further.

"Hm so strong." She chuckled and I caught Shawn's stare and he silently laughed to himself as he just shook his head.

"Lauren I'm driving." I pointed out hoping she'd stop, "In a storm." I continued after a short pause.

"Yeah, you're right sorry about that." She apologized and got up but then leaned in kissing the back of my ear.

"I guess there's always later right papi?" She asked and I almost crashed and died as Lauren suddenly won the bet.

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