What's on our doorstep?

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Emily's P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I finally got to their house, none of their cars were there, good. So they aren't home. I quickly ran up their driveway and placed the cds on their doormat, hopefully they will see and watch them. I quickly turned away and practically ran all the way back home.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A couple hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ian P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After a long day of shooting for some stupid every blank ever video Anthony and I finally got home. I was at least a little bit glad that Anthony hadn't mentioned Emily today, but she hasn't left my mind for one second, not one.We got out of the car and started walking to the door when all the sudden, I noticed two cds in blue and green cases with our names on it, we automatically assumed it was from a fan who found out our address but we thought to might as well watch it, I went into my room and watched the video...

Anthony's P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Oh my God Emily! I had just finished watching the video and I was crying. It was her! It was actually, really her! To see her again made me so happy! once she had explained everything it all made sense! But I didn't want her to not be in my life anymore, I want her to be in every minute and every second of my life! What the hell did I do!?!?!?! What was I going to do? Who were these friends that she mentioned? Where is she?1 She can't be too far if these just got here today! I have to find her!

After that thought I heard the front door slam. I quickly ran out to see what the deal was, it was Ian running as fast as he could down the streets screaming Emily's name. I wonder what was on his disk? I quickly ran and caught him before he was about to turn the corner, he was sobbing and tried to push me away but I made sure not to let go of him. He turned to me and shoved me as hard as he possible could. I fell down and hit the street hard.

He then stared wide eyed at what he did and quickly helped me stand back up and when I nodded that I was okay he started sobbing into my shoulder, I guess he kept in all of his feelings about the whole situation inside. And that video is what made all of his emotions go crazy.

After about five minutes he started to settle down and say things like I need to find her, its all my fault, I cant live without her, I love her, and things like that. i felt exactly the same way. So we quickly ran back to our house to our phones and started spamming her phone number with calling, texting, and voice mails hoping and praying that she hadn't changed it or blocked us on it. The messages were delivered, and she had the same voicemail box. So she hasn't changed her number or blocked us! Now if she would only read them...

Emily's P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As soon as I got home I checked my phone to see what it seemed like over a thousand messages from Ian and Anthony, They must've seen my disks. Before I read them I took a deep breath and decided if I wanted to read them or not. The I finally summoned up the courage to unlock my phone and look at the messages and listen to the voice mails. I didn't understand the voice mails, most of them , cross that ALL OF THEM were of Ian crying and Anthony talking super fast. The messages had many typos and were mainly just my name and saying sorry and I love you and asking where I was. I gotta admit, this was too overwhelming. I thought they hated me? Apparently this was all just a big misunderstanding. I was so excited I just had to go over there and be with them again.

I grabbed my phone and started basically running as fast as I could to the door when I heard a big slam coming from the front door. I looked around the corner and saw Felix with the saddest, depressing face. Once I saw him like this I almost completely forgot what was going on at the previous moment, he's been such a great friend to me. And even though I have personal issues of my own, (pretty big ones too) I wasn't about to let him down. i quickly run over to him and rub his shoulder and ask, "What's wrong?" he then looked over at me teary eyed and said, "It's Marzia-"

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