She Returned

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   It started out as just another normal day. Lucy Heartfilia woke up at her normal time, took a shower, got dressed and headed out to the guild. She walked along the edge like she normally does with the fisherman yelling at her to be careful. But when she finally reached the guild is when her life started turning upside down.
She walked into the guild and saw that everyone was crowded around someone. She walked over to the crowed and saw who everyone was crowded around. There was a girl with white hair that looked a little bit like Mira and Elfman. Then suddenly it her just who it was. Lisanna Strauss
The girl who died 2 years ago. Lucy wanted to meet her but when she tried to get into the middle of the circle to say hi she was pushed backwards until she was back at her starting point. She just sighed and walked over to the bar where Wendy, Carla, Gajeel, Pantherlily, and Juvia were. Not even Mira was around the bar.
"Hey guys." Lucy greeted her friends.
"Hey Lucy/bunny girl/love rival." They all greeted back. They all just continued talking about anything at the bar when someone suddenly yelled
There were a ton of cheers then everyone started partying for Lisanna's return.
"Hello" Lucy looked up to see Lisanna standing in front of her smiling.
"Hey" she said back with a smile
They started talking and soon enough they were best friends. But as the days went on the others started ignoring her. It's been weeks and the only ones who payed attention to Lucy are Levy, Gajeel, Wendy, Carla, Happy, Lily, Mira, Juvia, master, and surprisingly Lisanna. The rest never talked to her, looked at her, or acknowledged her in anyway.  At least she had all her real friends by her side. Even though she had them she was still sad. Natsu was one of the people who ignored her. He was the first person to ignore her in the guild. Happy still talked to her but not Natsu. Maybe tomorrow will be different though. Tomorrow is Lucy's birthday and she has hope that Natsu and the others will talk to her.
--Time skip--
Lucy woke up in the morning happy and ready to start the day and go to the guild. She got up and got in the shower while humming happy birthday under her breath. She got out of the shower and got dressed in a new dress that she bought the other day. It went down to her knees and was pink with sequins at the top then as it went down to her knees it faded into white. She called out Cancer to do her hair the left for the guild. As she was walking Loke appeared beside her and started walking with her.
"Happy Birthday Lucy. I have a gift for from all of your spirits." Loke said the handed Lucy a box. When she opened it she saw a bracelet. On the bracelet there were little charms of each of her keys. They were even the right colors.
"Thank you Loke. Tell the others I said thank you too." He nodded his head and disappeared. When she got to the guild she slowly opened the doors and walked into the guild. Nobody payed any attention to her until she heard
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUCY!!!!!" She looked over and all her real friends were by the bar with a cake. She ran over to them and thanked them. She looked at all her friends then realized that there was something missing. More like 2 people.
"Where are Lisanna and Happy?" She asked. Before they could answer Lucy heard some doors slam open. She turned around and saw Lisanna and Happy standing there crying. She ran over to Lisanna and Happy asked them what was wrong.
"I'm sorry Lucy!!! They wouldn't listen to me or Happy! Who tried to convince them not to but they just wouldn't listen!" What was going on? Who wouldn't listen? Lucy was really confused now. Just then Natsu, Erza, and Gray walked in.
"We need to talk." Natsu said with no expression on his face. When he said that Lisanna started crying harder and Happy started telling Natsu not to do it. Lucy turned to them and smiled at them to get them to stop and then she turned back to Natsu and waited for what he had to say.
"Your weak." He said. That shocked Lucy. But what shocked her even more came next.
"We're kicking you off the team and replacing you with Lisanna. Your to weak to be on the strongest team in Fairy Tail. Lisanna is way stronger then you are." After he said that Lucy just started at them. Then it registered what he just said.
The whole guild turned their attention to them and saw that Lucy had just slapped Natsu right across the face. You could see the bright red hand mark. 
"You just made a bad choice." She said quietly where only Natsu could hear her. She could tell he was freaked out his eyes were wide. Then he recovered and started laughing.
"Like a weakling like you could ever do anything to me." Lucy didn't bother answering she just turned around and walked right to the masters office. She was going to guild and master won't be happy. Or should she say gramps won't be happy. You heard her right. She said gramps. Lucy has a big secret that no one knows about. Only her grandpa.

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