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Walking into the Sabertooth guild they were getting a lot of stares. But that was to be expected. They were new people who had their faces covered with hoods and each had an exceed on their shoulder clearly saying that they were each dragon slayers. So it was to be expected they would get lots of stares.
"Hey guys were back and we brought some new friends who want to join the guild!" Sting said and Rouge waved with a small smile on his face. Lector and Frosch ran over to Sting and Rouge and stopped in front of them.
"Where have you guys been? We were starting to get worried!" Lector stated with tears forming in his eyes.
"Fro thinks so too!" Frosch yelled copying Lector and running up to Rouge to give him a hug. Minevera walked over with a smile on her face and directed them to the masters office. She opened the door and pushed them in.
"New members" she said simply and closed the door. The master Jiemma stared down at them and Jake hid behind Lucy while all the exceeds hid behind Adrian. Jake must have thought he was a little scary. He did look a little intimidating starting down at them from above not saying anything. But then all those thoughts stopped and his face broke out into a smile. A big one too.
"Welcome to our guild! We hope you will be happy here and we will treat you as family." He said them a guild mark stamp showed up in his hand.
"Where would you like your guild marks?" Lucy got her guild mark on her right shoulder in purple.
Adrian got his on left shoulder in aqua.
Jake got his on his chest in orange. The exceeds got theirs on their backs in the same color as their partners. After getting their marks they walked downstairs to meet all their new guild mates. They made lots of new friends like Yukino a celestial spirit mage, Rufus a memory make mage, Orga a lightning god slayer, Lector and Frosch Sting and Rouge's exceeds, and they got to know Minerva, Sting, and Rouge better. Minerva, Yukino, and Lucy got really close and became best friends. You could tell Adrian got a little jealous when Lucy hugged the boys but Lucy solved that problem by kissing Adrian in front of the whole guild so everyone would know they were together.
"Oh. My. God! Lucy you have a boyfriend!" Minerva and Yukino screamed running up to Lucy grabbing her hands.
"He's not just my boyfriend he's my mate." Lucy said tilting her head sideways and smiling.
"Mate?" Yukino asked confused.
"A mate is basically a boyfriend or girlfriend for a dragon or dragon slayer but it's a little different. The make is very protective of their girl, they want to be around each other a lot, they don't like men touching their girl, and the biggest thing is that when you have a mate you are bonded for life. If your mate dies you go into a state of depression and eventually try to kill your self. It's the same way if the dragon slayer was a female. That's why dragon slayers don't mate unless they absolutely love the person their going to mate with." Lucy pulled her shirt to the side a little to show everyone her mate mark.
"That's so cool! But who's the dragon slayer?" Minerva asked confused.
"It's got to be him since last time I checked Lucy was a Celestial spirit mate like me." Yukino said pointing to the keys on Lucy's belt then at herself and her keys.
"That's partially true. I am a dragon slayer but so is Lucy. Actually so is Jake. We're all dragon slayers." Everyone in the guild was staring at them in shock.
"What kind of dragon slayer magic do you guys have?" Rufus asked curious.
"I have all dragon slayer magic! Just like sissy!" Jake answered in his usual cheery voice. Everyone just stared at them again even more shocked than before. Orga was the first to break out of his shock.
"What about you?" He asked looking at Adrian. Saying that made everyone look at him wondering if he could have as much magic as Lucy and Jake.
"Well I don't have as much dragon slayer elements as Lucy and Jake do but I am a water and Nature dragon slayer." Then all of a sudden it looked like Stings face just lit up with a sudden idea. Like a lightbulb went off above his head.
"Let's go on a job!"

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