Our Promise

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Flashback (12 years ago)
8 year old Lucy was sitting next to her best friend 9 year old Adrian. They were just talking just like every other day when Adrian decided he wanted to ask her a question that she hoped that the answer would be him.
"Who do you like Lulu?" He asked looking at her hopefully. He really wanted her to like him. He liked her a lot. She started blushing and looked away.
"I don't have a crush." She said quietly. He didn't believe her.
"Yes you do I can tell when your lying I know you better than that and plus your blushing really hard. Who do you like?" He repeated hoping to get an answer this time.
"I-I-I don't want to say" she said nervously.
"Why not?" He was really curious now. Why didn't she want to tell him.
"It's embarrassing!" She said a little louder. What's embarrassing about a crush he thought. Then suddenly Adrian had a great idea. No not just a great idea. A perfect idea. She can't refuse this and if she does I'll find a way to get the name of her crush.
"Well, if you won't tell me now let's make a promise!" He exclaimed.
"What kind of promise?" She said looking over at him curiously. She was always curious about everything. That why he thought this was a perfect idea. It can't fail.
"Since you refuse to tell me who your crush is now then we will make a promise that when you turn 20 we will tell each other who our current crush is. No matter who it is. Got it?" He said grinning.
"WHAT!! NO WAY!!" She yelled standing up. Time to put the other part of his plan into action.
" well then I'll just find another way to find out who your crush is. Either you tell me now or 20. You choose." He said smirking. She thought about it for a minute then started smirking too. Making his smirk slowly disappear.
"Never" she said turning around and running away. Oh it's so on. He'll catch her. Taking off after her he managed to catch her and tackle her to the ground.
"Now or 20?" He repeated. She sighed and said 20 making him grin. He held out his pinky. She gave him a weird look that clearly said "why are you holding out your pinky?"
"So we can seal our promise!" He said grinning again. Linking their pinkys they sealed the promise that would come to pass in 12 years.

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