Twin Dragons

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Sorry. I know Sting and Rouge are young before the tenrou island ark but for the story their all going to be the age they are after that ark. And Sabertooth is nicer. They care for their members like after the Grand Magic Games. Not super mean like in the anime but Jiemma is still the master.
The train ride was boring. Nothing happened but when they got to the train station they heard a commotion going on. Walking over Lucy and Adrian pushed through the crowd with Jake on Adrian's shoulders, because he was so small, and the exceeds flying above the to see what was happening. Standing in the middle of the circle were twin dragon slayers Sting and Rouge from the guild Sabertooth.
"Insult our guild?" They heard Sting saying. The guy standing opposite them was laughing.
"Yeah. I did. Your guild is weak compared to Fairy Tail. Their super strong and could beat all of you." He said still laughing at their enraged faces.
"Hey! We might not be as strong as Fairy Tail, but we are still a strong guild that cares for their members and could hold their own against them for a while. So there is no need for you to insult our guild unless you are looking for a fight."
"Maybe I am looking for a fight! I've been up against a Fairy Tail member before and I bet your NOTHING compared to them!" That's when Lucy noticed the mark on his shoulder. Twilight Ogre. The guild that caused Fairy Tail tons of trouble trying to become the strongest guild in Magnolia but they were always beaten by them.
"Maybe you should step in Lucy. Before a fight starts." Adrian whispered in Lucy ear. They could tell a fight was about to start.
"But what should I do?" Lucy whispered back. Adrian just shrugged. Well he's a big help. She felt a tap on her head. Looking up she saw it was Jake who tapped her head.
"Why don't you just step in and claim your apart of the Sabertooth guild and you don't want a fight to start?" He suggested. He's smart for his age. Lucy nodded and stepped i between them facing Sting and Rouge.
"Go along with it" she whispered under her breath to where they could only hear her. They gave a slight nod and she turned around to face the other guy.
"Look, we don't want to go looking for a fight. Let's just each go our separate ways and forget this happened." She spread her arms out to where she was blocking the guys way to get to Sting and Rouge.
"Who are you? You have no right to get in between us" he said starting to get mad.
"She's our strongest member! You don't want to mess with her! If you make her mad you'll regret it! She's like Erza from Fairy Tail when mad but 10x worse! It would be best if you left before she got mad." Sting said peeking around Lucy. The guys face turned into a look of fear and he ran off.
"Thanks for the help. What's your name?" Sting asked while Rouge just stood there. But Lucy could kinda guess he was interested. You couldn't really tell with him.
"Oh my names Lucy Heartfilia" Sting looked shocked and Rouge looked shocked for a second before his face went back to its usual emotionless state.
"Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tail?" Sting asked still shocked.
"Yeah but I quit that guild a few years ago. They didn't treat me right." Stings shocked face turned into 1 with a smile.
"Then why don't you join Sabertooth?" Rouge asked with the smallest hint of a smile on his face. Jake was put down by Adrian when he kept hitting him begging to be put down and he ran over to the two of them and smiled his cute little smile under his hood. That was all you could see of his face. His bright smile.
"That's exactly where we were headed to misters! Could you take us there?" Sting smiled and nodded along with Rouge. But he didn't smile.
"Of course" Rouge said and started walking. Looks like their closer to their goal. Their joining Sabertooth and getting revenge on Fairy Tail for sure.

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