Grand Magic Games-Arriving

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The ride there was terrible. Sting and Rouge were green and super sick the entire way. Lucy, Adrian, and Jake don't get motion sickness though. They wear a special bracelet they got from their home that helps them with it. They can only use it twice a day though. Then it has to recharge over night. But when they got there they jumped off the train with Sting and Rouge bolting off before them and Jake laughing hysterically from on top of Adrian's shoulders. He likes it up there for some reason. He says it makes him feel taller and more in command. Who knows?
They were walking through town towards their hotel when they saw Team Natsu (that includes Lisanna). Seeing her old friend Lucy runs toward them and grabs Lisanna in a hug, startling her. But once she realizes who it is she get excited and hugs back. While the other were just standing there shocked. But happy wasn't there for some reason. Lucy decided to ask about it later.
"It's been such a long time!! I missed you so much Lisanna!" Lucy cries out squeezing her who was squeezing back just as hard.
"I missed you so much too!! You've been gone for so long!" By this point they were basically crying. But the moment was broken by Natsu.
"Lucy?" When she heard that Lucy broke apart from Lisanna and glanced at Natsu and the others before settling her gaze back on Lisanna. You could tell she was nervous since she was shaking. Adrian walked closer and grabbed her hand to help calm her down. She looked at him and smiled then once again looked at Lisanna but this time with an apologetic look on her face.
"Sorry Lisanna But we've got to go. We've got places that we need to be. But we'll have to catch up soon. You're here for the Grand Magic Games right?" Lisanna nods and then Lucy and the others set off. Successfully avoiding Natsu and the others sad looks. Don't know why they were doing it but frankly, Lucy didn't really care about them anymore. They didn't care about her so she shouldn't need to care about them.
Finally after about 10 more minutes of walking they made it to their hotel.
"Finally!" Sting groans falling to the ground. Rouge just sighs and motioning to Adrian they go pick him up.
"Hello, I was wondering what hotel room numbers we have? We're part of the group of contestants for the Grand Magic Games from Sabertooth." Lucy asks after walking up to the desk.
"Yes, you are in room 217 on floor 5. That's the top floor. Just a reminder that you probably already know but I was told to remind all Games contestants that they have to be in their room by midnight tonight." The clerk responds handing over a few keys.
"Thank you very much sir." Lucy walks away back to the group. Handing Rouge the other key and keeping one. She looks over and Sting is pouting along with Jake. Lucy starts laughing.
"W-What?" Lucy manages to say in between laughs.
"Why can't we have one?" They ask in unison with a small whine on their voice.
One: Jake is to young
Two: Rouge is reliable so I know he won't loose it
Three: Sting is unreliable and I don't trust him.
That's why." They just kept pouting until 5 figures knocked into their chests. They stumbled and looked down. They all had a cat in their chests and once they realized what it was they hugged them back. They had to leave their cats behind when they went to the Dragon Realm so they could focus 100% on their training. It sucked for all of them, but they were happy to be back together. They got to their room and walked inside. It was around 10:00 by now.
"I'm so glad you guys are! We were starting to get worried!" Minerva yelled and ran at Lucy when they closed the door behind them and were noticed. They just gave her puzzled looks.
"There is a preliminary round at midnight tonight to get some of the other contestants out. You need to stay here. You all have to be at the hotel when midnight strikes." Minerva explained. They nodded. Looks like they had about 2 hours before midnight. Time to wait.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2017 ⏰

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