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Sabertooth is participating in the Grand Magic Games? How fun, I bet Fairy Tail will be there.
"Hey Lulu! We should train in the dragon world!" Adrian whispered to me once he got over to me.
"Great idea Adrian! We can catch up with everyone and touch up our training with the dragons." We we're whispering quiet enough as to we're the 2 dragon slayers in the guild couldn't hear us. We had asked their dragons if they wanted their dragon slayers to know they were alive and well but they decided to keep it hidden for now. They might tell them later though. It's their choice but what they might not seem to realize is that Sting and Rouge were crushed when they had to "kill" their dragons. I think they most likely cried but I don't know and I'm not going to ask. Too personal.
"But what if Ski and Wess want to see Stingy and Ro-Ro? Can't you just ask the my before we leave to go home?" Jake asked bringing up a good point. (Jake likes to have nicknames for people he likes/is friends with. Adrian's is Adri)
"I guess we can why don't you do it Lucy. Can't you just talk to them through your Telepathy magic?" Lucy nodded and concentrated on getting through to the 2 dragons.
"Hello can you hear me?" Lucy asked to test out their connection.
"Lucy! Good to hear from you. What do you need?" Skiadrum asked.
"Well, we have 3 months to train for the Grand Magic Games and we were going to do it in the dragon realm. We were wondering if it would be okay to bring Sting and Rouge along with us so they could perfect their training with you guys. We just needed your permission first since we didn't know if you would be ok with letting them see you again or not since they think they killed you." Lucy explained and waited for their answer. Sting and Rouge were walking over to them slowly while talking about something. While Adrian was giving her looks that were telling her to hurry up. Jake ran over to the dragon slayers to buy Lucy more time and he loved talking to the 2 of them. Especially when he got Sting to stay stupid stuff. After a minute Lucy finally got an answer. The thing that made her know she was about to get an answer was a sigh from one of the dragons.
"Sure Lucy go ahead and bring them with you. We need to talk to them anyways. It's about time we explained to them what happened and why we had to leave them." Weisslogia answers.
"They'll be happy to see you guys again. I know that even though they don't admit it they miss you both and want to see you again. Their walking over, I'll talk to you both later."
"Bye Lucy"
With that Lucy cut the connection right as Sting, Rouge, and Jake walked over.
"Hey Lucy I was wondering if you guys wanted to train with us? We're not sure where to go yet though. We figured if you guys said yes we could figure out then." Sting asked while rubbing the back of his neck. Jake got really happy when that was said and everyone knew he wanted to train with them.
"Sure, and I know just the place!" Lucy exclaimed smirking. Making Sting and Rouge gulp. They weren't exactly sure what to think. For all they knew this could go good or bad.
"Where are we training?" Rouge asked with no expression.
"Can't tell ya! You have to wait to find out!!" James happily yelled to them then ran out the doors laughing.
"Go home and pack then meet us in the woods. Don't question why were meeting there. You'll find out soon enough." Adrian explained then walked out the door to catch up to Jake. Lucy waved goodbye to the 2 and the rest of the guild then left as well.
--Timeskip to woods--
Lucy, Adrian, and Jake were waiting for Stkng and Rouge to show up. They were late. Half an hour late.
"Ugh!!! If there not here in the next 5 minutes were leaving without them!" Lucy wad not happy with the 2 of them. She was ready to go and see all the dragons and her family again. Finally after waiting another couple of minutes they finally showed up.
"Finally!" Lucy exclaimed
"We got lost." Sting apologized
"Doesn't matter. Lets go." Adrian said
"Where are we going?" Rouge asked
"To the Dragon Realm"

(I will be doing a part 2 of the training)

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