The boy is mine- Chapter 1

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I stared into his dark brown eyes, getting ready for a kiss that would make my world spin round.

His lips motioned three words I  had waited for eternity to hear.

Jason was finally telling me that he loved me, telling me that I was his world.

I had loved Jason since before the birds and the bees found their way to each other. 

Okay, maybe not that long ago.

I wasn't his Eve and he wasn't my Adam, because we were more than that.

He was so gorgeous, an absolute sex god and he was mine.

He was a slice of heaven and I wanted seconds.  His abs were like a chocolate bar and I wanted a piece of them.

Anyways, back to the kiss. He leaned in closer and I was ready to take it all in. Take him all in. I wasn't going to devour his face, but I mean I was going to take in the moment, it was a dream come true.

But that's just what it was. A dream.

I woke up from another beautiful dream with highschool's greatest hot shot, Jason Silver. He really was hot, like there's Mcsteamy but then there's Mc-burn-my-finger-if-I-touch.

He was every girl's dream boy, once I think he caught me drooling at him, I think I wiped it in time.

 I think. 

But, that's not what's  important, what's important is I had gotten into shape and I was going to make him finally notice me. 

I was never fat so do not start to picture me as this massive beast that eats everything in her path, but I was chubby all through out middle school. 

I was that girl that would never wear a two piece bathing suit just in case she got mistaken for one of the waves. I was conservative, so I never wore anthing higher than the knee, and I hated to show my arms off.

Not anymore, because throughout the summer break, I had gotten into shape and I was ready for a new start. I gained abs, and lost around 17 kilos.

I was apart of what you might call the 'cool group' at school, but I never fit into that group until now. They loved to shop and I hated it because of the embrassing size difference between my friends and I. But that was all going to change.

After I lost the excess weight my face's bone structure changed a lot. My cheeks became more defined and I must admit I was a hell of a lot more attractive than I was before. No more tina the talking stomach like the girl of white chicks, I was a new and re-defined woman.

Okay girl.

"Alanna, are you up yet? James is here to see you!" My mother called for me from downstairs.

"Just a minute." I was still playing dead in bed.  

James was my bestfriend since kindegarden, we grew up together, I kind of saw him like a big brother. I was expecting  him to come over early in the morning so he can drive us to school. Now that one of us had our lisence we didn't have to deal with those numb sculls on the bus.

It didn't matter if James saw me without make up because he wasn't one of those guys to care about materialistic things like that.

"Hello gorgeous." James said, leaning against the door.

James was really good looking, not like Jason good looking, he was more masuline. James had a very defined jaw line, that clenched when he would speak and I knew most girls fainted over it. I would  to, if I wasn't so use to it. He had perfectly full lips, emerald green eyes that sparkled and like Jason, a pefect set of teeth. He had light brown hair with natural highlights, he kind of looked a lot like Nate off gossip girl, except even hotter. Like if Nate and Damon off vampire diaries had a baby they would make James.

Oh, another thing , he is bestfriends with Jason.

"Hey James, I just have to get ready, do you mind waiting? " 

"You look ready? Just throw some jeans on." 

"You know I haven't even washed my face yet?" 

"Or brushed your teeth? I can smell your breath from here." He winked at me.

"Jerk." I said, throwing a pillow at his face.

"I am kidding. All I am saying is don't try too hard to look good, you look great." 

"Okay, Okay. Give me ten minutes." I said back.

I never use to wear that much make up, but today was a special day. I put on my foundation that made my tanned skin look golden, I applied my mascara and eye liner and a little lip gloss and I was ready in the facial department. I brushed my light brown hair and placed it to the side. 

I decided to dress in a pair of denim shorts that I could now wear because before the weightloss I would have died to wear them. I put on a tank top and a pair of boots and walked out of the bathroom. 

"Wow, lana you look great."He said before pausing, "But don't wear those shorts." James said seriously.

"And why not?" 

"Boys will stare, I might have to beat them up."

"Don't worry I still got an ass I'll just knock them out." I said laughing.

"Yeah you do, don't you. Let's check it out." He said motioning for me to turn around.

"You're a pig." I said throwing the pillow at him again but missing. He caught it and came rushing towards me. 

"No, okay! Mercy, I'm sorry!" I said as he grabbed me and threw me on the bed. 

He started to tickle me, to the point where I erupted in laugheter. "Okay sorry!" 

Finally he let me go.

He was out of breath but he said, " I know how you have that secret crush on Jase and all, but you really do not need to try that hard just to impress some guy. You are better than that. Plus, he asked about you the other day. "

"AND YOU ARE ONLY TELLING ME THIS NOW??!!!" I can't believe he was holding out information like that from me! "What did he say, what did he ask? TELL ME!" 

"Okay, relax he just said 'so how's Alanna'?"

"Aw he is so sweet. I can't believe you two are best friends and I've never spoken to him. Come on, let's go."

We made our way down stairs and headed straight for school, in James's new ride. 

When we were about to drive off James mentioned something that made me freak out.

" Oh and by the way, we are picking Jason up on the way."

Oh gosh, this was going to be interesting



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The boy is mine, WATTY AWARDS 2014Where stories live. Discover now