The boy is mine- Chapter 19

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I stared at him not believing my ears. A tear slipped down my cheek as I began to sob helplessly. How could he not want me anymore? He was inlove with me a few hours ago what changed? Could Tiffany all of a sudden have become the one for him? So much so that he would reject me after not that long ago saying that I was the only one for him. I mean for fucks sake he was just telling me before my date that he didn't want me kissing anybody else. What could have changed? Maybe I wasn't what he wanted anymore but that still doesn't answer the question of why all of  a sudden? What could I have done? 

"James, I- I don't understand." I sobbed, "A minute ago, you- you said that you didn't want me to be kissing anyone but you. What did I do?" I couldn't help but ask because I felt like I deserved an explanation. I know I kept him waiting and I rejected him for Jason but that was before I woke up and realized that my prince charming was there the whole time. I liked him a while back and I dispensed those feelings but now they're back again and I have just run away from a date that I have been waiting since Primary school to be on and now I am standing here like an idot being told it was too late. 

Too late? 

How could it be too late for us, after all this time I would have thought that James would be the one guy to wait for me, not go off with another girl after only a few hours of taking my first kiss.

"Lanny, it's just that when you were on your date. My mind, it tortured me and my heart did me no favours either. I kept thinking to myself if you liked me the way I liked you, you wouldn't have taken so long to realize it. I won't play second string to Jason."

"Liked? So you're saying that liking me is in the past? Of what an hour ago? Things have changed since our first kiss? MY first kiss?" I plead, not once taking my eyes off of his.

"Nothing has changed but I woke up to reality Lanny."

"The reality of what?"

"The reality that I was never good enough for you to see me as more than just a friend. The reality that despite me always being there for you, I was never a priority. The reality that when I kissed you like that and you kissed me back you still went on that date and all you could think about was if Jason was going to like the way you kiss. The reality that I had loved you since kidergarten and yet you show me no affection. The reality that I needed to move on." He was out of breath by the time he finished that little speech that made my heart drop to the ground.

"How about this reality James? The reality that I have just ditched my date and come back to you? Does that mean nothing to you, the reality that now that I want you, you want to move on." 

"But this reality still stands Lanny, I have a girlfriend now. I asked Tiffany to be my girlfriend and she said yes, without taking weeks to think it through." He confessed as my heart broke in two.

"Tiffany? I didn't even know you liked her. You never told me." I said taken my surprise, which sobered my emotion to the point where I felt nothing, neither sad or hurt just confused.

"We've gone on a few dates it was nothing serious. But today after I realized there was no hope with you, I just invited her over and asked her."

"What the hell do you two even talk about? Do you sit there with a measuring tape and tell her how long her legs are, or how perfect her hair is or how pretty her face is. Does she even know you? Do you even know her?" I said jealousy and anger taking over.

"She does know me because she took the time and the chance to get to know me, she wanted me when I wanted her."

"How could you have claimed to have feelings for me when you were seeing her?" 

The boy is mine, WATTY AWARDS 2014Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora