The boy is mine- Chapter 20

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I tossed and turned in my bed all night thinking about how stupid and naive I was to go on that date with Jason and how I should have just stayed at home with James. How could I not see it sooner? He was always the one for me but I was always in denial. I really hated myself right now, to think that if I just stayed home with him, he would have never had to call Tiff bitch to come and console him. 

But how could he make her his first girlfriend when he made it seem so much like I was the only one for him? I know it's selfish and I know I'm greedy when it comes to boys but come on. I saw him first! Well, I truly saw him a little too late. 

I was thinking earlier to sabotage their relationship but honestly how could I? James was finally happy and just because it wasn't with him didn't mean I had any right of ruining things for him. But Tiffany, really? Of all the girls that bent down on all fours for him he had to pick that one?

I had no idea what to do now.


"So how was your date witth Jason? " Samantha asked me as I was leaning against my locker hating this monday morning. I didn't end up seeing James on the weekend after I left his place and he actually didn't try to call me nor did he show up at my house this morning like he usually did. So it was safe to say I was having a pretty crappy morning.

"It was okay, I got an emergency text about an hour into the date so he dropped me off home and the date ended pretty early." I explained leaving out the detail about James.

"Um, excuse me no! We want all of the details... did you finally pop that cherry?" Carrie interjected her eyes open wide like a child waiting for a bed time story.

"Carrie! No, just no. We didn't get past kissing." I blushed.

"Oh my gosh so you two kissed! How was it?" Samantha asked eagerly.

"You're like the luckiest girl in the world right now to have the Jason Silver. Oh my gosh did he try and grope you." Carrie paused and then gasped, "Did you grope him back?" 

"No, guys there was no groping! We went to the beach at night and he went on about how amazing I was and how the beach is the most beautiful thing at night and that's why he took me there." I said leaving out the part where James had thought of the whole thing for the slobbering washing machine, "We sat on a picnic towel and we just talked. He kind of found out that I've always had a crush on him and then one thing lead to another and we kissed."

"That's so romantic." Carrie said taking a deep sigh. "When are you going to see him again? Did he ask for another date?" 

"I can't remember I guess I'll have to wait till he mentions something." I paused thinking about James and Tiffany. "Guys, I need your help with something."

"What is it?" Samantha asked.

"I'm in whatever its is." Boneless Carrie said. Well she was just a good friend but she never really asked questions which always lead her to be in a lot of problems.

"I need to sabotage someone's relationship. Well not really sabotage but more.... I don't really know how to put it nicely that'll make me feel mentally less guilty about what I am about to say."

"You want to be a homewrecker?" Carrie offered.

"Something like that... this is about James guys. Hes, he's dating Tifanny." I explained.

"Oh hell no, who let that slut on the loose that's bad news. Why would he look twice at her, she's been handed around more than the pass the passle." Samantha said with a disgusted look on her face.

"No, honestly you know when they say there are plenty of fish in the sea she's the tupe that tries all of them!" Carrie added.

"Guys, I know all that. But I kind of have a confession about my date." I explained to them how James and I kissed before my date with Jason and how I felt about that kiss. I told them that the beach idea was James's first and also added in how he proposed that idea to Tiffany. I told them everything about how James confessed his love for me a few weeks back and how I rejected him. They just watched me with eyes wide open taking it all in.

"Permission to speak freely?" Carrie asked.

"Go for it."

"Are you bloody nuts? You ditched James who had been saying all those lovely things to you for a guy who only showed interest in you when you got a box gap and a slim figure? James who says he loves you whether you're blue, or red, fat or skinny. You ditch him for Jason? Who you now say is the worst kisser in the world?" 

"I know I was stupid." I said defending myself.

"Hunny there is a fine line between stupid and having brain damage." Samantha added.

"Well, will you guys help me get James back or not?" I asked.

"We will, but what're you going to do about Jason?" They both asked.

"Do you think it's cruel if I just keep him around for a little bit? I do kind of like him at the same time but do you think it's morally wrong to keep seeing him when my heart is claimed by James?"

"So you like two guys at once basically?" Carrie asked.

"Not exactly, you guys should know that I had liked Jason since forever but my feelings for James have always been there, they've just kind of been amplified because of the situation right now. And I know that my feelings for James are what's real. I realized that I had a fixation with Jason but if things don't work out with James I kind of need a rebound and what better guy than the one that I kind of like?"

"You my friend are a true player fo' real." Samantha said trying to be gangsta.

"We'll help you but if you don't get hurt I think Jason will." Carrie added.

"I won't hurt him, honestly I won't." 

"What are you ladies talking about?" Tiffany said stopping in her way to speak to us.

"About how you can never keep your legs closed." Samantha retorted.

"Or your vagina." Carrie added.

"Now, now girls don't be so cruel." I began, "The poor girl can't help it. It's in her nature."

"Wow, isn't someone jealous that I have their best friend tied down? Are you jealous that it's not you who is kissing James all over that perfectly chizzeled body?" She said licking her lips.

"What are you sexually harassing him?" I laughed.

"I mean what would you know? It's called foreplay kind of like a give and receive and trust me I'm receiving." 

"I'll be sure to send you a vibrator for Christmas you sound like you're desperate. So if that's why you came and stopped by I guess you can go and leave us be now." 

"Someone is a little jealous of my relationship with James." She said sticking her nose up.

"Bitch, please you've been in a relationship for two seconds. I doubt it's going to last that long seeing as he can't just compliment you all the time and call it a relationship."

"We talk about a lot of things." 

"Like what?"

"Like about glee club and about him playing soccer. That kind of stuff and I don't even have to explain it you because James and I are inlove."

I scoffed, "Inlove? You mean you're obsessed with him and he's too blind to see that you're actually a troll."

She gasped placing a hand on her chest, "I am not going to waste my time with a heffa like you." She then stormed off and ran into the bathroom. Crying again as usual.

"Okay we definitely have to do something about her." Samantha said.

"That girl has nothing on you, and one thing is definietly for sure. James is totally blind."

"Let the games begin." 


Guys it's a short chapter I know, but I haven't really had time to write much, but good news is there is a sooner update coming shortly! 

Comments are appreciated <3


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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2014 ⏰

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The boy is mine, WATTY AWARDS 2014Where stories live. Discover now