The boy is mine- Chapter 10

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I was nervous to kiss James. My first ever kiss, but I was excited all at the same time, because finally I could get my first kiss out of the way and kiss Jason. It was a selfish thought but I meant what I said when I wanted my fist kiss to be with someone I loved. I loved James and maybe it wasn't in the right way, but I still did, does that make me a bad person?

I never really thought about kissing James before, it never really was an option, but now that it was I was freaking out. I wasn't sure where to put my hands. Obviously not on his butt that would be awkward. I really wanted to kiss Jason sometime tonight, but not before getting this kiss out of the way. 

When the door swung open I had mixed emotions between disappointment and relief. Disapointment was because I had really wanted to kiss James in that moment because of how easy he had made it seem, and how comfortable I felt with him. Relief was because I knew that one kiss could change our friendship forever. 

"Well, I guess my heroic act is over." James whispered in my ear.

"Or maybe you should just kiss me." I said flirtingly without thinking.


I looked over to behind James's head and saw Jason he looked at me with a sad expression. How was I going to kiss James when I came here with Jason? Could I be that rude and that desperate?

"I'm kidding, I should probably go find Jason."

"Yeah, probably." 

The kiss didn't happen and I didn't know if I wanted it to happen or not anymore.

"So what happened in there? " Jason asked as soon as I reached him.

"Honestly, we just talked."

"So you two didn't kiss?"


"Good." He replied back without shame.

I looked at him confused, not sure what to say.

"That kiss is mine, beautiful." Jason said grabbing my hand and taking me towards the back door.

"Where are we going Jason?"

"For some fresh air that's all."

Suddenly I was afraid because what other reason was there for Jason to take me to the back of the house.

"I don't think I want to go."

He let go of my hand and came really close to me, we were chest to chest and inches apart. He pulled my hair off my face and I thought to myself, this is it. My first kiss. I had imagined this moment so many times in my head, wondering what it would be like, who would it be with and I realized I should just be happy in the moment and stop with my OCD about who's lips were good enough.

Except, Jason didn't kiss me, he simply whispered in my ear "Relax, I would never hurt you." He planted a gentle kiss on my cheek.

Suddenly I realize it shouldn't matter where it happened as long as it was with the person I wanted, but even I was unsure of that, but tonight I wouldn't care.

"Do you trust me?" Jason asked me.


"Then come with me. " He said grabbing my hand.

 We walked out the back and I was so eager to see where he was taking me. I wondered if he just moved his car out the back and wanted to make out or if there was something amazing that was waiting for my eyes to see.

"Hey guys, where are you off to?" James came out of no where asking.

He had lipstick all over his mouth and suddenly I was grateful that we didn't kiss. I needed it to be special and James was always kissing a different girl.

"Go home James, you're drunk." I said to him.

"Actually I'm not. I'm 100 per cent sober. By the way your mum has been trying to call you. She told me to take you home. Something about, it's 12 am and it's getting too late." James said.

"She'll go home in 10 minutes." Jason said.

"No, Jase, she said no. Like pronto."

"It's okay, I'll still see you around at school on Monday." I began.

"Give me your number maybe it can be sooner." Jason said.

We exchanged numbers awkwardly in front of James. I hugged Jason goodnight and walked away with James.

"What were you doing out there with him Lanna?" James said wiping his mouth.

"You missed a spot and none of your business." I replied back.

"Can't you see it? Are you blind? He only wants you since you became the hottest thing on campus!"

"He said I am the hottest thing on campus?"

"Is that really what you got out of that whole sentence?" He asked.

We got into his car and he turned on the engine.

"Why can't you see that you're better than that. Better than him and better than all those people in there."

"Are you trying to easily tell me that I don't fit in with them?

"It's not about not fitting in, it's about standards. You need to raise them, when it comes to your friends and your pick in guys. Jason may be my friend and I know him back to front and when I warn you it means I know what the hell I am talking about. There's a Jacuzzi in that back, that's where he was taking you."

Suddenly all that James said sunk in and I felt like a sore loser.

"Just take me home, James."

"Actually, we're staying at mine tonight. Your parents are out and they said for you to sleep over at mine."

"Fine, whatever."

"Don't be so down in the dumps Lanni pooh."

I pouted in response.

He started to tickle me with only one hand on the steering wheel.

I laughed so hard despite my anger towards him. "Okay, okay mercy please!" I yelled.

"Okay, chicken."

" So, man hoe, why did you have lipstick all over your lips?" I questioned him.

"One of Kayleigh's sisters attacked me. I didn't even kiss her back, she was just digging for gold in my mouth. With her tongue, it was putrid. There was no escape and I am not emotionally and mentally scarred."

I started to laugh because that was just a typical thing to just happen to James. We pulled up in front of James's house and we got out.

We made our way upstairs into James's room, he threw me a T-shirt to sleep in. I loved wearing his shirts to sleep, it felt like sleeping naked.

We laid in his bed just cracking jokes but then I went all serious because I needed to discuss the whole Jason situation.

"Look, you know I love you and I know you care about me too. So if you do, let me give Jason a chance. I have liked him since forever."

"If he makes you happy, then I'll back off. But don't say I didn't warn you."

"Okay, deal."

"Just remember he's the one that would be lucky to have you, not the other way around."

"And, I'm lucky to have you." I said.

James rubbed my back till I fell asleep, he said something but I was too out of it to hear. 

The boy is mine, WATTY AWARDS 2014Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt