The boy is mine- Chapter 5

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unedited please don't comment on errors.


The week passed by rather quickly and I had avoided Jason for as long as I could. Which was a short amount of time, seeing as we were working on an assignment together. The theme was love and we had to come up with a book in two weeks time, bound and everything. How the hell was I suppose to write a book about love with the guy I had the biggest crush on? Maybe I can do half and he can do the other half. I hated Mr Jones for giving us this assignment it was like writing a diary entry with the guy I was writing about. Not cool.

I was suppose to be meeting him in common room to go over ideas but I couldn't help but think about what James had said. Was he really going to ask me to go with him to Kayleigh's party. That would be so cool, I mean us two rocking up together. We would be the talk of the school. But that's not what really mattered to me, what did was that I could be going with THE Jason Silver it was going to be a great night.

I walked into the common room to find Jason sharing a table with all his jock friends. 

"Alanna is that you?" Philip asked me rather stupidly.

"No, it's your mother." I replied back.

"You've lost weight mama." 

Jason hit him over the head with his book, "Shutup you idiot, have some respect."

"Or else what? She's gonna spank me?"

I hated boys  and I hated high school. Where was the respect towads women these days? Or the self respect?

Jason got up and went behind Philip's seat. Suddenly Philip fell to the ground and Jason held his chair in his hands, Jason had taken his chair from underneath him and it was hilarious. 

"My hero." I said dramatically.

"Come on, let's go to the library." Jason said with a laugh.

When we were in the library we talked about anything but the assignment. He asked me about what happened over the summer and why I looked so different, he again asked if I'd cut my hair or something. It was a shame that he hadn't noticed me before I lost weight, I mean how could you miss me back then I was a walking whale. Okay, I wasn't that big but still.

"So I was wondering... you know Kayleigh right?" Jason began and when I nodded he continued "She's having a party this weekend I think it would be cool if you and I went together." 

"That would be cool except James wants me to go with him." I said back stupidly.

"James? Aren't you two just friends? I asked him today and he said there was nothing between you two."

"Yeah, I mean he wants to go as friends." I can't believe I was turning down the gorgeous Jason Silver. "But I am sure he will understand."

"So you'll go with me?" He askedhopefully and how could I say no?

"Yes, I'll go with you." I smiled at him.


Sorry short chapter, next one will be long :)

The boy is mine, WATTY AWARDS 2014Where stories live. Discover now