The boy is mine-Chapter 12

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unedited so please don't comment on errors


"And it couldn't wait till I don't know... after my date?" I questioned him.

How could he be so selfish, why would he want to ruin my date? What sort of a friend would do that?He stared at me with a sad expression this was one of those times I just couldn't read him. Couldn't tell what he was thinking or what he expected of me. 

"I came to tell you that..." He began.

"Jesus, James say what you want and fuck off can't you see that we are in the middle of a date." Jason said really pissed off. I didn't like the way Jason had spoken to him at all.

"No, I'm not leaving till I say it. Get comfortable because this will be a while." He then turned to face me.

"Lanna, I don't know where to start or how to start or if starting is even the right thing to do. All I know is that I can't do this anymore. I can't see you with Jason. I can't see you with anyone else. It burns me inside to see you with another guy, because I know I can be the right guy for you. I know that you and I have never been anything more than friends, but I'd want to be. If you would only give me the chance. The thing is I know I can say this confidently because no guy will know you like I do. No guy could ever care for you the way I do, or love you like I do. There, I've said it Lanna, I love you. I love you more than I have ever loved anything. Ever since kindergraden, ever since I first layed eyes on you. You didn't have to change for me Lanna, I was just as inlove with you 3 summers ago as I am no. I can't imagine myself without you. Without your smile and the sound of your laugh. I understand if you do not feel the same way, because you think Jason is the one for you. He is my best friend and I would be happy for you too, but he is not the one for you. I know that, because I am...the one for you."

He took a long pause, giving me enough time to process what he had just said. I didn't know what to think of what he said, I didn't know how to feel. All I could fathom was that my bestfriend had just confessed his love for me infront of Jason.

"Please say something." James said coming closer to my seat. 

"You know what, I should go. Give you two some time to talk. Lanna you have my number, text me when you have made  a decision." Jason said getting up from his seat. 

"I don't know what to say to you James." I paused, " First of all I am so angry at you. I hate you for coming to my date and ruining it. I hate you for saying all of this here, infront of Jason. I'm angry at you for not saying something sooner. I hate you for not being honest with me."

"But-" I cut him off.

"I hate you for not telling me the moment you felt this way. I hate you for waiting this long to say it."

"Do you feel the same way Lanna? Tell me that you do, and we can be together." 

"I don't know what I want from you James. I have  a guy outside waiting for me to respond to you and tell you how I feel about you. It's just not fair on Jason. How can you do that to both your best friends?" 

"I loved you first." He claimed.

"It's not about being inlove, it's about staying inlove." 

"Are you kidding me right now Lanna? I have been inlove with you since before I could form full sentences. I know that I'm the one for you and deep down you know it too. Confess to yourself, because you know that it's true." 

"You should leave." That was all I could say to him at that moment. I shouldn't have been so anygry with him, and I didn't know why I was, just that I was. Right now I can't make any sense of things, he gave me to much to process.

"Do you really want me to go?" He asked one last time.

"Until I'm ready to talk to you. How can you be so selfish James? I have liked Jason forever, how could you ruin my first date with him? How could you watch me all those years talk about him and about how much I like him. Then have the nerve to ruin the first date? I don't think you love me James, I think you just don't want to share me with anyone else.

With that being said, James was gone.


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