The boy is mine- chapter 2

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unedited please don't comment on errors.


"I can't believe you would just spring that on me like that, you know I have had a crush on him since before I was born." I said punching James in the arm.

"You do realize that is remotely impossible? "

"So?" I said arching an eyebrow. 

I wasn't actual angry at James, I was more scared as to what Jason was going to think of me? What if he didn't even notice me and sat right on me when he comes into the car? Or what if he looks at me in disgust? 

I don't know why I cared so much, he was only just one guy. James didn't notice that much when he saw me. I had avoided him all summer because I didn't have time as I was working on my body. When he saw me all he asked was , "Did you do something with your hair?" But that was just James and he was always so ignorant when it came to that kind of stuff.

"I honestly didn't think it would matter to you. What do you see in him anyways? Like what is so special about him that makes you bow down on all fours. It's pathetic." James said frankly.

"So you are trying to say that I'm pathetic? " I asked.

"Hey, don't put words in my mouth. I just mean look what you have done for his attention." 

"I didn't lose weight for him, I lost weight for me. I needed to." I began to explain.

"I wasn't talking about the weight, you didn't need to lose weight for yourself or for anybody. Your size was perfect, you don't need to try and be a twig bitch to be beautiful I really wish you knew that." 

James's reply made me upset, because it was either my best friend thought I was pathetic or a twig bitch. 

"Come on, stop pouting I didn't mean to make you upset. I was just saying that you don't need to feel like these people are above you, it shouldn't matter to you what Jason Silver thinks of you. Only what you think of yourself." 

How could I stay mad at him, when he offered such good advice?

We had finally pulled up infront of Jason's house and I was just about ready to flee. 

"You know it's not too late for me to just run?I mean I would get to school faster." I started but James cut me off.

"Stop being such a princess." 

"I'll be what I want to be." 

"Is that right princess?" James asked me.

"Yeah buddy," 

"Let's rock, paper scissor it." James insisted.

"It's paper, then scissors, and  then rock." I corrected him. 

We have done this ever since kindergarden so we would avoid fighting. It was always best out of four but today one was going to have to do.

James won as usual. 

Suddenly the sound of a door closing caught our attention and Jason was making his way towards the car. I didn't know what to do, what to say or even how to sit. This guy made me crumble.

"Hey, James." He said climbing into the backseat of the car. "I don't think we have met, I'm Jason." 

The sad thig was, he was talking to me. The guy that I had dreamed of and had admired didn't even know I existed up until now.

"We've been in the same class since kindergarden actually. I'm Alanna." I replied back disapointed.

"Oh, you look so different! Did you cut your hair?" He asked.

Really? The new hair cut line again?

"Nope." I replied back trying to be casual and cool.

"It's weird I feel like I haven't seen you around. You do seem different." 

"Good or bad different?" I said attempting to flirt a little.

"Definitely good." He said giving me a wink.

"Hey, yeah guys. I'm still here." James reminded us.

"How can I forget ? You elbow is jabbing into my rib cage. You're driving not dancing." 


We pulled up in the school parking bay and Jason got out of the car. I was scared now, I felt like changing my shorts again. I didn't want it to seem like I was trying to hard. 

"Hey James, maybe you were right about the shorts, they were too bold of a move for me."

"Don't be silly you should rock them out! I was only kidding this morning."

I loved James because sometimes he was like the gay bestfriend that I never had.

I got out of the car and the scene of boys looking my way wolf whistling and girls looking at me in envy didn't occur at all. But I had Jason staring at me and looking me up and down so that was enough for me. 

James came in out of no where and knocked Jason down a litte. "Stop staring, have some respect for my best friend." 

"Sorry, and I wasn't staring." 

I didn't want to over analyze why he was staring so I let it slide. Jason had just noticed me, like really noticed me. 

"There is something different about her though, I don't know what it is."

I got a few stares when I walked through the locker bay and a few head nods from the boys and sneers from the girls. I made my way over to my friend who immediately noticed my weight loss.

"No way, what did you do? Drop a whale!." Carrie said, she was horrible at telling jokes. I mean 'drop a whale' that didn't even make any sense!

"Did you eat a dietry plan girl, because you have lost weight." Samantha added.

"Yes, girls I have lost a little weight. Lay off." I said annoyed.

"Don't be such a grouch, we are complimenting you. Dude even your face has changed. You look hot." 

"As oppose to how I  looked before?" I asked.

"You were pretty before,but now you are like a hot tottie, Jason will definitely notice you now." Samantha said.

"He has already we rode to school together in James's car. He didn't even know who I was or that I existed until this morning."

"That's a good thing! Oh my gosh you should so try and get with him at Kayleigh's party this weekend." 

"I'm not going" I hated parties I can not stand the loud music and the drunk idiots all around. 

"Please." Samantha said dragging the word.

"I'll see, but for now I have to get to class." 

The bell sounded and I was on my way.


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The boy is mine, WATTY AWARDS 2014Where stories live. Discover now